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[BUG]vibrosword and lightsaber mix and match is bugged{sentinel/marauder issue}


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If you're like me and you want to reach your force- sensitive roots with a lightsaber but also like the classic touch of good sword then you should notice that if you unsheathe these weapons your character will assume a single bladed stance while the second blade will awkwardly float in the off hand ,(also persists through combat)

best way to test this problem is to go to GTN and preview a light saber in the main hand and a vibroblade in offhand(or vice versa) it will show you what I'm talking about

BTW this problem took place after update 4.1

my marauder right now is taking a little break from stuff until things go back to normal


Thank you for taking the time to look at this, I know you guys get alot of these.

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