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DPS and HPS number for Nim DP

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Hi guys,


My raid group wants to start focusing more on completing some NiM Operations now that they at least drop 224.


Any idea what kind of numbers we should be shooting for to be effective in DP NiM ?


Would 6k DPS, 6k eHPS cut it?

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For Healers in first phase (before Bestia starts running around) you want to be around 7k-8k, ideally both healers around 7.5k but doesnt happen often and one healer is 1k ahead, depends on group composition and your tactic but thats numbers we are running atm. For Bestia phase till end of fight its 6k-7k. (all numbers are effective [ehps])


As I am not dps, all I can do is provide numbers from parse few days ago:

top dps: 6.1k

lowest dps: 5.1k

total dps (including tanks): 25k


Best of luck :p

Edited by naNuke
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Nightmare is more about executing mechanics correctly while still being able to do the DPS needed, the best experience comes from running these operations and getting to know what to do and when. Most of us nightmare raiders spent many hours in these operations learning exactly what we could get away with and not, during countless wipes.


Ensure you use everything you have on each boss, gunslingers in the raid? use gunslinger shields on cooldown on top of tanks, think where you can use classbuffs to max potential, offtaunt? consider where to use it for maximal uptime on monsters without risking them becoming red/blue.

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I'd say it's barely possible to tell for dps or even heals (numbers above are pretty relevant but depends on your tanks and whatnot) on Bestia, a lot depends on group coordination there. If you can aoe adds, you get higher dps. If you have bad RNG/tank doesn't feel dtps profile good enough, you'd get higher ehps requirement.

Not sure how to put it correctly, but for me progression always was 'think over your strengths and weak spots, try to utilize strengths better and cover some weak spots'. Just like the comment above describes with some practical examples. Sure, there's a better way to do the fight and a worse way to do the fight at times, but in the end it's if you can kill the boss or not. Better tactics and coordination means looser requirements and vice versa. Some groups just basically zerg rush stuff and some require some thorough thinking. Pick what you see fit and best of luck with it :)

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We downed Bestia and Tyrans recently as pug, with 3 dps on the parse. At the end of each fight, numbers were the following:



Heals 5k5 eHPS for both (remember it's at the end of the fight, so obv higher during first phase, even if the tank rolling the two adds is going through defensives all the time to mitigate as much dmg as possible: in our case this tank is around ~5k8DTPS till Bestia shows up)

6k4, 5k4, 4k8 DPS, fourth DPS probably around the 5k6-7.

tanks at 2k4, 2k5 DPS.



Heals 6k and 6k1 eHPS,

5k9, 5k1, 5k1 DPS (last dps commando/merc probably somewhere in the middle 5k5 or maybe slightly higher, cant actually remember boss' health to calculate it),

tanks 2k3 for both.


For Calphayus, which we almost had, you can kinda get your ticket out of the dps requirements of first future phase by bringing in classes that can cleanse themselves and not worry too much about burning the casting add in time. This boss is mainly about timing your bursts (auto-crits, raid buffs, adrenals etc.) on the empowering energies that spawn in second phase future, during which you will pray for crits.


Raptus is a joke to everyone that went through the first three. Still need to kite them spinning attacks though :)

Edited by Deldra
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