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Chapter broken, character lost! ((( SPOLIER ALERT!!!!!!!!)))


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I don't know where to begin.


I began by starting Chapter 11, early Access.


Got the funny naked Aric bug so I switched instances, and reset mission to fix that, all ok.

Well almost, it also reset the entire Chapter.


So I did it again, then later freed the exiles, and made my way to the camp

then cam the force Field door.


Simple enough Puzzle, BUT, the consols didn't turn off, only a small black square on each, then they became unsuable.

My toon was stuck in a silly looking pose, shooting the lighting on the consols, but never left the pose unless I found comabat, so armed the lightsaver jus span while I ran With one arm stretche out....LOL sill but nothing major....yet.


I stuggled to get the door open due the "bugged" consoles, and yes ALL of them.

I asked what to do in chat, was told to change phase, that could not be done, it came a Message that there was me person inside the phase, named ( my character)


There was no exit from the map, the Shuttle had no exits or triggers at all, searched 10 or so minutes.

I then did a QT, and simply chose closest port on map, breaktown.

THEN I could exit my personal phase, so I returned but the Place was still bugged, but now ALL the consoles were truend off correctly BUT the door still not open the l"lights" weere still on.


I QT back and then reset mission.


This reset the Chapter too it seems, and the KABOOOOOOOOOM!


I lost my character, and With it most of my Inventory and Collection



What happened was I reset the chapeter then pressed launch, and ended up With Theron as my Companion, I was sent back to the Odessen war room, to start over, which would have benn perfectly fine for me, BUT, the "bubble" indicting dialogue is loading kept going on and on and on.......


Because it is in the "dialogue" mode then the GUI is not acessable at ALL, not even the menu to logout, I have to og desk top.


Well dialogue never loaded after about 10 or so minutes, so I pressed esc to exit dialogue and relenter it, all it did was stop the load bubble. NOTHING else happened, NO GUI to acess, no trigger, or npcs or vendors working, cna not og to sh etc, Norhing and then no loading dialogue at all.


So I exit the game, I restart the Client, logg back in, slect my character form the list, and it loggs in only to end With the dialougue bubble loading and loading and loding nothong happens and still no GUI as it is i dialogue mode. Only chat availaibale and no advice there

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