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The slicing node fix and stopping future botters


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So if I decide to spend the day just running around collecting slicing nodes (like I have in the past), I'll look like a bot. Then what?


I don't care how good at it you are. Unless you have a catheter and are being fed intravenously and are employing numerous hacks, you are not going to get mistaken for the average bot.

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i was kinda okay, with the Jawa Junk nerf on the Slot Machine, but what they did to the other stuff from it was unacceptable, Cartel Certificate drop rates were reduced to 0.005% for example, talk about a high-orbit nuke... the complaint was for Jawa Junk but because of it they had to ruin it for everyone that didn't care about the junk and was in it for the other prizes... some of us just wanted the Certificates and some just wanted the Mount, but we all got screwed by Biowares heavy-handed approach to nerfing when it would have been just as simple to fix the junk and leave everything else alone...

to be honest i was expecting the Slicing Node nerf to be in line with their other nerfs, for example i really expected that if i took my Lv.30 character with slicing to a Lv.30 planet that i would only get 1 (Green) Grade 1 Credit Case per Slicing Node... i'm glad they didn't go that far... but it still feels unnecessary when there were better ways to handle it without nerfing the Nodes...


Jawa junk was too high a drop rate, that could have been adjusted to a reasonable level. what it did do was get a lot of people interested in crafting and opened up a whole nother facet to the game for a lot of players. which the devs promptly smashed with their nuke. instead of taking crafting and making it another hook to keep people occupied in the game, they crushed it to suit a few GTN whores

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Exactly Elly_Dawn.

slicers choose to do that instead of being with elitists and other misfits.

it's simple: let the slicers play their game and all you malcontents, whining sobs go crawl up SOA's A** or whatever boss brings your wannabe elitist to room temperature.

Play YOUR OWN DAMN GAME THE way you want to and ****>


better yet, go sit in a corner and go dream up some more phantasmagorical names for future bosses for the devs.

DO something other than cry because you don't choose to slice.


I have slicing on 14 characters and I'm not bellyaching. I make plenty of credits crafting, with less time spent compared to brain-melting, node-farming tedium.


Besides, they're not going to undo the change. Having so many zero-effort credits being injected into the economy is bad for everyone. Learn to be less bitter and adapt.

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Slicing isn't zero effort and the nerf does zero to stop bots. In fact, bots will make more because their human competition won't bother anymore. Another successful scorched earth reaction to a problem from the devs.


We shall see. I think that's the most probable outcome - because bots really dont' care as much as players what their income rate is, just that there is one

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Slicing isn't zero effort and the nerf does zero to stop bots.


I agree with you wholeheartedly that slicing is not zero effort. It's unfortunate anyone has turned this issue into bickering over the vague concept of what is worthwhile to an individual playing this game. Slicing is absolutely a valid, common activity among many other activities in TOR.


The concept of botting and hacking being valid activities, however, is not vague at all. Would it not be fair to say there there is unanimous agreement among players (in contrast to bots/hackers) that these are unwelcome?


So does the nerf really do *zero* to stop bots? (Not being pedantic here with your quote. I confess to just finding it an interesting point from which to expand.)


I can't help but wonder if the ongoing efforts to identify and eliminate gold sellers might involve some regular (and intentionally conspicuous) adjustments to the slicing game. I can certainly see how altering the attractiveness of something to a bona-fide player might help increase the signal-to-noise ratio.

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indeed, if there were no Slicing nodes they'd just farm crafting materials and vend it for fast cash, if there were no Crafting Item Nodes, they'd just park at a place where swarms of mobs spawn and set the Companion to heal mode and script the bot to attack any mobs that spawn nearby and vend everything for credits to sell... doesn't matter the rarity because selling through the GTN is a hassle, they'll just vend everything to sell the credits to those foolish enough to buy from them... what then would the appropriate action be, get rid of enemy NPCs?.. this logic of get rid of the source of credits instead of the offenders is asinine... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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It would be unfair to say that's true of all of them, but it's transparently obvious about some of them.


(esp when you see a GTN listing that's outrageous... and it's same Char name as the forum user's name... Hrmmm...)

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Bots are only farming nodes because chests don't give credits anymore, when slicing is gone bots will move onto something else, and chances are they will move onto something that is more upsetting to regular players.


I agree. I've posted that I feel no change to the slicing nodes will make any difference in the bot situation and the overall "economy" of the game. I still stand by that.

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.. this logic of get rid of the source of credits instead of the offenders is asinine...


I can get squarely behind this notion. But it doesn't jive with the fact that there are too many ways to get credits too easily to stop bots by just addressing slicing nodes. You think that's it? That will solve the problem? You don't know your own game well enough.

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Nowhere in the patch notes for 4.1 did it state a change was made to have all the slicing nodes drop blues instead of green boxes. They did change the mission reward lock boxes and possibly replaced the rewards for slicing nodes with them in error. Now they are fixed. The mission rewards still give the blue boxes. This was not a response to people complaining about too much money. Not a way to stop bots. It was a bug fix that was easy to correct so they fixed it.
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i play my way, you play yours, i never said how you play is wrong, but there's been a lot of it coming from the other way... what it boils down to is some people don't like others to have options that don't involve direct combat, plain and simple... i would love to see one of y'all admit that, but that'll never happen, not honestly without snark anyway...


I play the GTN, that's not direct combat ...

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and do you know where those credits i get from slicing goes?.. right into Underworld Trading, Diplomacy, Investigation, & Treasure Hunting... and the items i get from those i put into crafting Armor, Enhancements, Mods, Barrels, & Hilts... but, i don't craft to sell, no, i craft to be self-sustaining, everything i craft goes to one of my characters... funny how that works, almost like it was intended... yet, the anti-slicing crowd wants to do away with a key point of the system i use to be self-sustaining, maybe because they don't want people to be self-sustaining so they will have to buy their over-priced stuff off of the GTN...


Self sustaining for a whole month, you must be new or something.

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the gtn whores want you perpetually broke because you buy from them. and bw gives them what they want


GTN players who rely on people having credits to buy their good want people to be broke?


Wow I didn't think your posts could get much stupider, I stand corrected.

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GTN players who rely on people having credits to buy their good want people to be broke?


Wow I didn't think your posts could get much stupider, I stand corrected.


players having more credits will make your bank account look not as impressive. you have so many credits there isnt anything you dont already have or cant buy without noticing. what do you do with all of those credits? it is either that or you are just forum pvping and being an ***

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Self sustaining for a whole month, you must be new or something.



that didn't even make sense... i've been playing this game since launch, way more than one month...

yes i've been self-sustaing all my characters since launch, never needing to buy my weapon/armor modifications from GTN price-gougers... i level up my character through some story-line, take a break and slice/craft new stuff to plug into my equipment when it's time to upgrade, move on to the next story area and repeat when i need to upgrade again... a self-sustaining cycle of leveling/upgrading...

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players having more credits will make your bank account look not as impressive. you have so many credits there isnt anything you dont already have or cant buy without noticing. what do you do with all of those credits? it is either that or you are just forum pvping and being an ***


Players having more credits won't spend more credits or maybe just everyone saves them up?

What do I do with them? Well I've spent near 500 mill on Anarchst packs now. What do you do with all the ones your bo... err you gained from slicing?

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that didn't even make sense... i've been playing this game since launch, way more than one month...

yes i've been self-sustaing all my characters since launch, never needing to buy my weapon/armor modifications from GTN price-gougers... i level up my character through some story-line, take a break and slice/craft new stuff to plug into my equipment when it's time to upgrade, move on to the next story area and repeat when i need to upgrade again... a self-sustaining cycle of leveling/upgrading...


Oh I figured all your incessant whinging was because you were implying you could no longer do what you stated since the nerf ( which has made things worse than they have been for the past 4 weeks - no longer ).


Seems you've always been able to do it ( through worse slicing nodes than we have now ) and you just want a money tree for no particular reason other than to have a money tree.

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(esp when you see a GTN listing that's outrageous... and it's same Char name as the forum user's name... Hrmmm...)


Outrageous you say? I'm sure inflation form the slicing nodes couldn't have been fueling that as we've been saying all along.


But hey if it's me ... I'm happy to deal. ;)

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Outrageous you say? I'm sure inflation form the slicing nodes couldn't have been fueling that as we've been saying all along.


But hey if it's me ... I'm happy to deal. ;)


Are you suggesting that outrageous prices on the GTN are a new thing? That they have anything to do with slicing nodes? I don't think I agree.

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Said it before, and I will say it again 😜

The only way they can change nodes to not impact on actual players is to follow other games and make all nodes personal nodes ala GW2 , where each person has their own nodes on a planet , so no one can "steal" that node

Will it stop bots , no, but it will 100% stop bots impacting on genuine players

Tho I will agree they need to take much stronger action on bots, when I lvld my inquis going through yavin I saw two there , following same patterns each time and vanishing moment node was gone

Fast forward two months to my next consul doing same story, same bots doing same thing

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So you want to stop future botters?


Here's the magic word for the DEVS to give them a head start on stopping BOTS.


One word for you DEVs : E-BAY.


Go check out E-bay and type in the Search Window SWTOR and go smell the roses.


You want to go stop the botters, there's your chance to crack that imaginary whip.

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Bioware can delete all the currently active bots and it would do nothing to stop the credit sellers. So long as there is a market for credits, there are always going to be people using programs to farm credits for later sale. Since those people are making real world money for that activity, they're just going to find a way back into the game on new accounts, and the cycle will continue repeating.


Bioware needs to start hammering the people who purchase credits instead. If purchasing credits results in temp bans, emptied bank accounts, and the deletion of items bought with purchased credits, it would discourage both those players from making the same mistake twice, and new players from giving into temptation to respond to the credit seller ads.


Also the inevitable QQ threads about 'unfair' nuking of banks would be amusing for everyone else. Picture it...


"WTH, I had 300 million credits in my bank and now it's all gone! My Unstable Arbiter is gone too! Why, Bioware?! TELL ME WHY?!!!!"


Comedy gold. Someone needs to make this happen.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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