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<Forgotten Souls> a new, empire, casual guild


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Howdy everyone. <Forgotten Souls> is a new casual guild on the empire side of the Jedi Covenant server. The core of our guild is a few folks that came over together from another game. We are friendly, and as helpful as we can be, although all of us are either new to the game, or haven't played for about 3 years. We already have a guild bank, guild stronghold (on Yavin 4) and a guild flagship. Currently we have only one or two players on at a time, but obviously we wish to have more. We use the line app for out of game communication, and to organize any events we wish to do, and just to generally B.S. You can reach me on line by adding deadtoyou as a friend, or ingame, I am commonly on F'aern, Faerni, or Faerny (yes, I try to keep it easy for people to know who I am :D). Please give me /w if you wish to join.
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