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Blood Hunt-Jos and Valk/ Groupfinder problem.


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Jos and Valk fight is just WRONG.

You need to take this off the groupfinder for characters below 55. Even bolstered, get absolutely rocked EVERY time at 35.

The knockbacks and AoEs go beyond the ability of the bolster to handle, even with high level healers.

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Jos and Valk fight is just WRONG.

You need to take this off the groupfinder for characters below 55. Even bolstered, get absolutely rocked EVERY time at 35.

The knockbacks and AoEs go beyond the ability of the bolster to handle, even with high level healers.


I don't think it should be taken off, if you don't like it after you do your daily just untoggle it so you don't get it, generally thats what I do with all the newer tacticals because the current skill level of players is pretty aweful. However, Blood Hunt is doable with 4 competent DPS, though that is hard to come by. It's easier if you have a healer or a tank though or both for the fight. Also helps if DPS understand the mechanics of the fight or at least ask before they jump into it and cause wipes and then rage quit, which again the skill level in the game is terrible, generally DPS eat the conal cleave JOS does and get absolutely wrecked by it. With a 4 DPS set up you want one paying attention to the knock back and pay careful attention when it happens and when to use the healing stations or even the whole group if people are consistently getting low. If anything the healing stations need to be moved in toward the center so there isn't a chance of getting knocked off the stage rather than remove it soley from the group finder. I like the flashpoint just hard to have a group with the skill to do it. I've had a tank and a healer and 2 dps composition wipe again and again because they don't understand the mechanics at all.


They should add the Rakghoul ones to the list though. I miss doing Kaon Underseige and Lost Island.. Only get to visit those when I que for a hardmode flashpoint.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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The problem is you are more often than not, going to get other group members who are not top guns in their class or spec. To rectify this, especially for group finder, and I hate to say the N word, but it needs a slight nerf. It is at the point that when I get into this through group finder, even at the beginning, someone drops out if not completely leaving me alone.


I'm not saying make it easy but I'm saying make it so players don't dread it and drop when they see it load up. They would rather take the penalty then even try to complete it. If it is that bad, there is a problem. This isn't the only one like this either. There are a couple more this happens to and all really need to be slightly retuned so you don't have to do it completely perfect to be able to complete it... at least using group finder.



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