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Imperial Ship/Flashpoint/Freezing/Ticketing System Bug...20 days now


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I've been trying to complete the Assault on Tython Flashpoint for 20 days now. 20 Days! I haven't been unable to complete it due to lack of skill but because the game won't let me through it. At some point, it will freeze while I work through this flashpoint and it is extremely aggravating (especially because I pay for this game and I can't do anything in it right now).


The first time it froze, I was still able to move camera angle and make my character "walk" (in place, not actually moving). I typed /stuck and my character turned invisible, but nothing beyond that happened. I put in a support ticket and had not choice but to back out of the flashpoint...which, you know, wouldn't be as much of a nuisance if the flashpoint saved your progress...but you have to complete it in one go.


Now...it's 20 days later and I STILL cannot complete this flashpoint. As a matter of a fact, the game is working even worse than the last time I left it. I haven't visited it much since I froze in the flashpoint because I was so frustrated I figured why bother with that, and just walked around and did nonsense things.


When I logged in today, I was on my ship. I have an answer to my first support ticket, but I can't read it. I open the ticket and it just says "Updating..." where the message should be. I went to the Fleet and tried to read the message again, it wouldn't work. I was able to use the Galactic Network and other things but couldn't read the ticket. Finally, I sucked it up and just went back to Tython.


During this go around, I made it through the Jedi Temple, defeated the final Master

(Oric Traless) in the library

and went to

a holoterminal where Lara Beniko opened her dialogue with: "Can you believe Tech Ops already remapped the secure comms? Talented slicers we have n our employ, though even they pale in comparison next to you."

Aaaaand, that's all I got. The game froze. I could move the mouse cursor and that's it. I couldn't open the chat window to type /stuck. Because it was in the middle of a "story" cut, the option to submit at ticket at the top of the screen was not currently visible. Nothing I typed on my keyboard worked (escape, the button to bring back the desktop view, end, whatever). I gave it about 10 minutes to kick back into gear and it never did. Ultimately, I had to hold down the power button on my PC tower to shut down the entire computer. I have a picture of where I was stuck, as well as a video of my actively being stuck and unable to get out, if EA wants this via e-mail.


When I turned the computer back on, I was *surprise* back on the Imperial Fleet, ready to start my Flashpoint! I've already completed this Flashpoint but because the game froze during a story, I have to do all this again? (And not for the first time, I might add...). I attempted to submit a ticket (my previous ticket still just says "Updating...") and after typing out the issue and hitting submit, the game froze again for about 60 seconds but then kicked back into gear with an error about the ticketing system not functioning and to "Try Again Later."


So now I'm here.

I'm a paid subscriber to this game and it is absolutely infuriating to complete the same mission over and over again because THE GAME doesn't let you through it. I might just let my subscription lapse at this point because it no longer seems worth it to bother at this point. I can't progress if I don't complete what I'm doing...after 20 days, I STILL can't complete what I need to do because the game freezes...I can't even submit a ticket to report it...and EAs big options for help are to submit in game (doesn't work), use the forum, or call them up. What a waste.


Ideally, I'd like to be credited for this Flashpoint as I've been in it more than my share of times...just to have to shut down and quit. And I'm at max level, so what a I really getting from this, other than a headache?

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