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Guild looking for serious players


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We have a drama free guild (Means if you start stuff you get one warning and you get kicked second offense no if, ands or buts about it.) We are looking for serious players who who like doing heroics, ops (in the future because right now we are gearing our members as fast as possible), and fps. We want members who will actually be social and not just be in the guild for the rep and xp bonus. We want people who engage in conversations with other guild members when talked to. We also need people who will be willing to do jobs in the guild such as recruiting regularly and donating small portions of their in game earnings from time to time. We have a ship, and a strong hold. Gamevox is available as well as a guild website. All we are really looking for is more constant active players who will also socialize a little


You can message me for my toon names on here and I will friend you in game and when I see you log on I will send you a whisper and invite you

Edited by NakodaTheJedi
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