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Hoth Star Fortress solo Ephemeris fight - mobs stop spawning and cannot exit area


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Run solo Hoth Star Fortress. Level 65 Mercenary with Lana as companion. Get to the Ephemeris fight.


Fight starts as normal. Mobs come out, I AoE them, first console unlocks, I destroy it.




First group of mobs comes out - AoE, all good. Second group of mobs comes out, I AoE them one second after they come out of the door and...that's it. Doors stay shut. No more mobs come out. Second console does not unlock. Ephemeris says nothing. It's like the game doesn't recognize that I've wiped out that last group of mobs and so I'm stuck on that portion of the fight...all by myself. In a locked room. Can't reset instance (still in it), can't teleport out (in combat). Can't even log out or quit (in combat!!).


Fine. I Alt-Tab, kill the client via the task manager (Win 7). Come back in. Rematerialize...in that same Ephemeris room with all the doors locked. NOT in combat (even the music is "peaceful" music) but the (*) map marker "kill the mobs" is present. Still can't teleport out (ship, fleet, etc.). Can't exit. Just sit there and meditate, I guess.


Except that about two minutes into said meditation (with not a little swearing on my part), the client magically crashes by itself to the server selection screen (but with the server window empty and an error message "cannot find servers" displayed). Fine. I quit, relaunch client. Go back in - I'm standing on Odessen outside the entrance to the Star Fortress FP with my prior run reset.




Long story short. It appears that if you AoE the mobs coming out of those doors in the Ephemeris room too quickly, the game doesn't register that you've killed them. Or something. And then you're waiting for the game to "reset itself", since any conventional way of escaping the now defunct fight doesn't work.



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