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Missing Class Mission


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As I see many other are having the same issues. I've been playing for a couple of years now and took a long break from the game, when I returned, my lvl 34 Sith Inquisitor was still on Taris, I've completed the missions I had in my log only to find out I have no active missions, more specifically the class one. Normally I should get my new apprentice at the end of Taris but nothing. I've done some research and tried my hardest to look on DK and Taris and other planets for any purple missions but nothing.


I've submitted a ticket but we all know that's gonna take a while. So then why post this at all? Well first off I think it's important as many of us flood the forum with this issue, hopefully it will get more attention and priority. Second, maybe I missed something, as I've mentioned, some players did manage to retrack their steps and find their mission. So is there anywhere else I could possibly check for my Inquisitor character?

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it's important as many of us flood the forum with this issue


As someone who does tech support for a living, a strong suggestion that this is the quickest way to get ignored and after continued abuse, out right banned.


if I may suggest:


- State the problem outright without any pronouns (ie: "My character 'Joe Blow' does not have any quests on the planet 'XPZ' after finishing the quest 'ABC'.")


- Add additional specifics.


- Then ramble.


You have to realize that devs checking these threads have a limited amount of time to do so. They're looking for the easiest and quickest ones to fix first. Anything that requires them to stop, decipher and figure out is probably going to get skipped over without a second thought.


If the first 2 lines in your post don't sum up what you're trying to get across, I think you;re just wasting everybody's time.

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