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Possible dialogue bug between Female Consular and Tharan?


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Okay so this is REALLY minor, but it annoyed the heck outta me and I just want to know if I'm crazy or not, or if anyone else has happened across this. I only just began playing as a female consular, and I am going to say I loathe Tharan, he's a arrogant self important character okay. That being said when it came down to the game all but demanding you sleep with him (very Jedi like), I said no. However, the next conversation the whole "Holiday is upset," line came up and I got really annoyed because I was running kind of gamey and lore like and don't mess around as a Jedi at least in this play-through.


So again, really really minor, and please say if I'm posting this in the wrong place, this is my first time on the forums as well. And someone tell me whether or not the game just outright has no dialogue for if you say no, as you know...a woman might in that situation, or if it's just a glitch. Please and thanks to any and all!

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It's a well known problem for most people who played f!Consular and told him to get stuffed, you get similar rubbish with other companions too, male & female. Been happening since before KotFE. Bioware kow about it but whether they'll ever fix it, especially is it's super creepy in some cases, who knows...
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