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Agent(s) and the 4.1b Chapter 10 end


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Agents have been reporting this since the 18th any update?


Missions + NPCs


It is now possible to complete the Alliance Alert “To Find A Findsman” after starting Chapter X.

It is no longer possible to get into a state where you are unable to complete Chapter X.


It worked before the patch for some but snipers and operatives since get "Go the war room" looped. Once you hit this point you can't use Kaliyo, Lana or Theron as they are locked into story.

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Agents have been reporting this since the 18th any update?




It worked before the patch for some but snipers and operatives since get "Go the war room" looped. Once you hit this point you can't use Kaliyo, Lana or Theron as they are locked into story.


No update AFAIK. I'm sure they're "looking into it" .... :rolleyes:

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Oh my name is there but since it hasn't seen a staff post since the 11th. Nothing at all after 4.1b which fixed it for all other classes.


I can understand it could be something complicated. But a single sentence saying they are aware that this issue still existed would go a long way.


Cause you know:

It is no longer possible to get into a state where you are unable to complete Chapter X.


My sub ends tomorrow so I probably won't even be able to reply to any update. It would just be nice to know that they are aware of the issue. My sniper is my main KotFE character it bums me out as this is the only one I have completed all alerts until the current on.

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Oh my name is there but since it hasn't seen a staff post since the 11th. Nothing at all after 4.1b which fixed it for all other classes.


I can understand it could be something complicated. But a single sentence saying they are aware that this issue still existed would go a long way.


Cause you know:



My sub ends tomorrow so I probably won't even be able to reply to any update. It would just be nice to know that they are aware of the issue. My sniper is my main KotFE character it bums me out as this is the only one I have completed all alerts until the current on.


Yeah, it sucks. I've been waiting for a fix for it, too. I have a few agents that need to run through it as well my 20 other level 65's. Though I doubt I'll do it with more than a handful just to see how different the stories are. Or if I'm in a particularly spiteful mood and want to put Koth through hell again.


So Devs and Community guys - since you're ignoring the Bug Report Thread that's been floating there since 4.1, do you think you can take the 2 minutes to at least let us know that it's an issue still?

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Already back to preferred in game so will cross my fingers and hope this is seen tomorrow.


If you don't close the tab you may still be able to post on the forums. I heard people had to reset the quest and do it twice in order to get through KOTFE. It may require extra work, but if its worth it to you, feel free to reset and try again.


I wish you the best of luck in enjoying SWTOR and getting through chapter 10.

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  • 2 weeks later...
aye i reset 5 times even canceled when it tried to go to chapter 11 and got to be able to use the clicky on the warroom terminal but loop after loop after loop after that. If this is not fixed in tomorrows patch I can predict you BW will have the next loop you see is me hitting the cancel button on my subscription and i am off to another game. This is beyond patience
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