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Tank LFG for HM/NIM Ops


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If you need a tank for HM or NiM Ops, I have a Shadow and an Assassin in the same gear on Harbinger.

I'm on most nights if you need me. Ideally looking for a DP NiM team but down for anything if i'm around.


I should specify I'm an East Coast player and free most nights except Wed/Friday until after 10pm EST those nights.

I usually play 6pm-midnight EST but i often work a late shift every few weeks where then I play 9pm-3am EST.

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Why specifically DP NiM team? lol


I needz the elusive rancor! Hahaha It's on my bucket list. I was 9/10 through DF and DP Nim before 4.0 and we didn't get many pulls on council before 4.0 and when most of us quit the game for a bit. I have unfinished business =)

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