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Am I supposed to want the scions help?


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After the trials and the betrayals, am I supposed to want their help?


Cause all I wanna do is kill every last one of them, even if it means Arcan remains emperor and the galaxy burns. I want nothing more to get vengeance on them.


They're going to turn up in front of your PC when it's their time to die to give one last vision. So they're going to give you 'help' whether you like it or not.

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I resent the Scions' fanatical belief in "destiny". My Sith would annihilate them all out of spite for Heskal and taunt that their only destiny is death at my hands. They don't get that the Force visions of the future only come in pieces, never the whole picture. And they say "choice is an illusion"? Ridiculous. Again, I would destroy the Scions should they come near me, and painfully.
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