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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

maintenance screen for forum


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I have the SWTOR community tab bookmarked. of course every time the game goes into maintenance It gives me the not available screen. This screen persists even after the maintenance is over. Each time I have to circumvent this by deleting my current bookmark, doing a google search (just going to the Bioware site doesn't fix it). Once I do a google search it send me to the working page and I have to bookmark it again. Is this an issue for anybody else? Is there a way to fix it?
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Is there a way to fix it?


Need to know your browser, browser version, and your specific ISP please.


But yes, normally doing a hard refresh will probably solve the issue. Your ISP may be serving you a cached version of the page which is why I was asking about specifics.


Do note that if a website changes the URL up there in the URL bar and forwards you to an actual maintenance page, doing a hard refresh will just refresh the maintenance page. This forum doesn't make changes to the URL though.

Edited by dr_mike
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Generally when this happens, I hit F5 three or four times and that clears it up.


Do a CTRL-F5 and you only have to do it once. :)


F5 just reloads the page in your browser.


CTRL-F5 actually pulls new data from the webserver. Or the caching server if your ISP uses them.

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