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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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Hey folks,


Over the past few days we’ve reviewed player accounts who indicated they had not received their Cartel Coin/Chapter I subscriber email. We discovered a few reasons why this may have occurred:

  • Some accounts opted-in after the February 14, 2016 deadline.
  • The email was received, but it may have gotten deleted, lost in a secondary folder, missed, or landed in a spam folder.
  • Sometime in the past you marked one of our SWTOR emails as spam or possibly reported it as spam, and your email client/provider “black listed” our emails. That means we may actually be sending you emails, but they are being blocked. We suggest you check with your email provider/client and verify that is not the case.
  • There was a small number of players who were missed in the original set of emails and we’re sending them the same promotional email. If you were one of these players and don’t receive your email by tomorrow, you may also want to review the above bullets.


With all of that being said, we are going to be sending another batch of emails. This new batch of emails will include the following accounts:

  • All accounts who were sent the email previously, but did not open the email.
  • Any account that opted in by Monday, February 22, 2016 (to essentially catch anyone who wanted to participate)


The email subject line is either "A Familiar Face Joins Your Team - Play Chapter 10 Now!" or "Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now!" and was sent from the swtor@email.swtor.com email address. Our plan is to send out email over the next two days, so look for it in your mailbox.




Having been opted in since 2012 and double checking that the email is NOT in my spam, junk, etc. boxes I can confirm that you guys are not blocked, and that I have not received said email. Why not and when can I expect some response to this issue? This has passed the nuisance stage and is well into the "seriously ridiculous" stage.

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I love the world today - people getting ready to sue a company for not receiving a free gift.


Reminds me of the Top Gear story where Clarkson and co were driving across America and got to New Orleans in the wake of Katrina and they gave their cars to needy people - then got sued because he told her the car was a 1991 and it was actually a 1989.

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I don't even know what they could possibly say at this point, after the promise of sending out emails again and still missing so many people. Now, it's just embarrassing and I would be surprised if anything more was said about it. They will probably just ignore it and hope it goes away.
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I don't even know what they could possibly say at this point, after the promise of sending out emails again and still missing so many people. Now, it's just embarrassing and I would be surprised if anything more was said about it. They will probably just ignore it and hope it goes away.


They've pretty much been doing that for over a week now....

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