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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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Its total Bs they lied pure and simple they blundered and now they are doing nothing in order to correct it despite this thread being OVER a hundred pages of people who did not get these so called Valentines giveaways.


And where is our Community representative in all this? Where is Mr Musco? isn't he supposed to REPRESENT us in these matters? where is the latest update on what is being done IF anything?


very poor.

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Its total Bs they lied pure and simple they blundered and now they are doing nothing in order to correct it despite this thread being OVER a hundred pages of people who did not get these so called Valentines giveaways.


And where is our Community representative in all this? Where is Mr Musco? isn't he supposed to REPRESENT us in these matters? where is the latest update on what is being done IF anything?


very poor.



Of course they lied. A few years back they promised a free Character and Legacy name change per month for being subbed. They never delivered and blamed it on a freaking typo. They've scammed me into subbing now yet again.

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Lets see day 19 or is it 20 oh I freaking forgot but yeah you guessed it day 20 something and still not a freaking thing,,,:mad::mad:


Oh and great job there on filling us in on how its going on finding out why we still haven't got anything :eek::mad:

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no mail for me too, just call and they send me this link, hope it will work :)


nothing is going to work. Those of us who did not get the email are never going to get the email. It's time to give it up, realize that EAware doesn't care. They think we will keep right on subbing no matter what. Well, I think you are wrong EAware...I know an entire guild that is looking to move on to greener fields where customer service actually knows the meaning of service.


hold on...before you blast this and say "bye" and "don't let the door hit ya..." This isn't about the petty coins. I could care less about the cartel coins. It's about everything that has piled up since I started playing this in the beta stage. It is obvious that no one cares about any of the customers that have put up 116 pages of pleas to get a GIFT from EAware. That alone should show the powers that be, that people want to hang on to a hope and continue playing...


But alas....there is no one listening. The blind eye has been turned. They don't know how to get you wonderful folks your coins. They don't even have a clue why you haven't gotten them. BUT, they are willing to put you in the vicious circle of "call customer service...no put in a ticket...no call customer service..." Knowing full well that there is no solution.


They don't have the courage to say "I messed up, I'm sorry, but you aren't going to get the CC gift we offered. We don't know how to fix this." Never mind the fact that they can do a VERY little bit of work and just award the gift in game to those they know did not use a code, but were eligible to receive one.


Good luck to those of you who want to keep hanging on to hope....but my fine line of hope has been severed.

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Nothing for me as of this post...

I have yet to receive any of this 1000 whatever coins no mail sent. I dug up email from so long ago

Somethings I was like AHH man i missed out on that i forgot about it.


I got another slap on the wrist from these forums.

I guess i am to mean or scary and i upset EA or someone.

I am not willing to be someone else when i post. I post as i am in real life. Same

as when I game. I am just the same way in and out of a games.

I have found that scares people who people think i am nuts.

Or they just find me a riot. But I also offend many people.

If i say something they will claim BS and then I just prove it and

Sorry my truth is better then your BS you say here.

I either upset EA or scared someone. But if someone upsets me or pisses me off

I will display it, though rarely online or in a post because

I am not much of a chat-warrior. Just isnt the same online as

in real life getting pissed off..NO fun online showing emotion lol.

EA always has me upset so how can i post nice stuff when EA is

always making me and SO many others made as hell about a game

we love and play and since the betas has never ran right and even Blizzard

had WOW right within 2 years and i know that I was there.

Come on EA and BW you already wrecked this game we love.

I was there for MCO and E&B specially E&B you just destroyed it when at the time it had

decent amount of players.

MCO was always packed and I was on the Atlanta server.

4 YEARS now and they just repeat the same mistakes over and over..

Anyone have kids?? I do and if they make a mistake i correct it and reprogram their

Skulls full of mush how to do it the right way. I know someone at EA or BW is smarter then I am .

GOD i HOPE SO....i can code...i did it for the E&B EMU...though again it was just for clipping issues.


NO coins only what I have saved up for a long time.



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Just unsubbed, Due to Biofails Incompetent staff. Cant even Get Promised Subscriber Rewards after nearly 4 weeks of waiting and posting on forums and in game tickets. That's only start of the reason im unsubbing because these Piece of **** developers keep showing me they dont give a **** about the community and keep ******** on us and taking our money for what 15minutes of story? i mean *** was that chapter 11 i take dumps that last longer then that ****.. Well **** you bioware i have had enough... you havent released any Relevant End game Content now in over 17 months.. so **** you and you abandoned *** game all you want is the final cash grab in its death throws so **** you bioware i am done with your ****.. Good day:rak_03:
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