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Romance lock in bug


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I read a lot that the Chapter 9 romance lock in is now gone since 4.1, mostly for Lana. Is this true? Is there anyone who was able to lock in a romance since 4.1? If some people could lock in a romance, that means its not bugged, its just the choices you make makes the character not want to be romanced imo, but if everyone is having this problem it must be a bug.

If anyone has played chapter 9 after 4.1 let me know if you got to romance Lana.

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I read a lot that the Chapter 9 romance lock in is now gone since 4.1, mostly for Lana. Is this true? Is there anyone who was able to lock in a romance since 4.1? If some people could lock in a romance, that means its not bugged, its just the choices you make makes the character not want to be romanced imo, but if everyone is having this problem it must be a bug.

If anyone has played chapter 9 after 4.1 let me know if you got to romance Lana.


Theres some people saying they were able to have the flirt option the day before 4.1 then wasnt there after the patch that sounds to me like a bug. Choses dont really matter with lana as long as you flirt with here throughout, I just ran my agent through it choses the darkside options and isnt presented with a flirts option in chapter 9 yet ive seen vidoes of people run throughs on youtube of their charscters chosing valks power each time and still romance her yet i cannot. Some of those people said resetting it help fixed it (didnt for me) not all bugs affect all characters ( ex: also with 4.1 some people couldn't finish chapter 10 and were stuck on it, i didnt have that problem)

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I think it would work if you already got past chapter 8. The bug seems to start there. If not, it's impossible to romance her now so you're SOL.


Id say yup cause i started chapter 8 after 4.1 and when you finish your duel with arcann e a ch time before lana came to my side but not this time.

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This appears to be broken for me as well...I was able to lock in a romance with her before the patch but now, with another character, I can't seem to lock in a romance with her despite making largely the same choices (telling her the truth, not using Valkorion's powers...), I didn't see the flirt option in the Cantina when I said "I need to speak with one of you". This is SO disappointing because I LOVE her character and badly want my characters to romance her. Would love, love, love to see this fixed!
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