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GTN Errors: Items not showing up in their category


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I just ran across the following on "The Red Eclipse" server.


Item: Artifact Tholcorp/Adascorp/Pravaat Polesaber

What it is: Level 61, Artifact quality Double-bladed Lightsaber

Where it is: Listed in "Ranged Weapon > Sniper Rifle"

Where it is *not*: Not listed in "Melee Weapon > Double-bladed Lightsaber"


Item: Artifact Adascorp/Pravaat Ripper (I'm guessing this also affects the "Tholcorp" variety, but I saw none listed)

What it is: Level 61, Artifact quality Blaster Rifle

Where it is: Listed in "Melee Weapon > Lightsaber"

Where it is *not*: Not listed in "Ranged Weapon > Blaster Rifle"


NOTE: Searching for these items by name will *not* list them. You can only see them by searching in the categories with no text entered in the "Name:" field.


I didn't check for more/other items, but I'm guessing if this is happening with these items, it will be happening with others as well. Maybe others can check and report those items here?


Devs: Could you please look into this issue?


Thank you.

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Just checked and issue is still present after today's patch (Patch 4.1b on Thursday, February 18th).


Devs: Could you please look into this?

These items are not selling because 1) they aren't where they are supposed to be and 2) because they cannot be searched for by name.


Thank you.

Edited by ZeroPlus
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Just came across more items that do not show up when searching by name and that are in the wrong category.


Basically it is all the BoE, Level 61, Artifact quality, Adaptive Armor.

Stuff with names like Artifact Tholcorp/Adascorp/Pravaat/InterroTek/Arakyd/etc. Gauntlets/Kneeboots/Girdle/etc.

Where they are: Listed in the Light/Medium/Heavy Armor categories.

Where they are *not*: Not listed in the Adaptive Armor category.


As far as I can tell, this issue appears to be affecting *all* the BoE, Artifact, Level 61 Armor, and some Weapons, that drop out in the game world. Crafted items that are BoE, Artifact and Level 61 appear to be in their correct categories, *BUT* they are also not searchable.


Devs: this really needs to be looked into.


Thank you.

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If you have a Pravaat Polesaber and try to modify it, the modification screen also shows a sniper rifle instead of a lightsaber.

Just looked into that and it is true.


I also just checked and this issue is not only affecting the "Artifact" quality items. It is also affecting the "Premium" (green) and "Prototype" (blue) quality items as well.


So, at this time, it looks like this issue is affecting *all* the BoE Level 61 Polesabers, Blaster Rifles and Armor pieces.

These gear pieces:

- are not showing up in the correct subcategory.

- cannot be searched for by name.


This means lost sales and, worse, players not getting the gear they want/need because it cannot be found where they are looking for it.


Devs: can you please look into this?


Thank you.

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I find it strange that there is no acknowledgement of this issue. None.


Apparently only I and JJbrock are minimally worried about this issue.


Devs: does it not bother you that there are items on the GTN that cannot be searched for and that are not appearing where they should be? That those same items are incorrectly classified as something they are not?


Really? After what happened a few weeks ago with items on the GTN, you're letting this just slide and hoping it will go away?


This whole ignoring of the issue saddens me.


Ahh, well.... I will continue to monitor this issue and report back here when/if it is fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, this is still an issue. Unless it was patched in today which it did not show on the patch notes. I tried to make a small list of some of the problems.


Green, Blue and Purple Sniper Rifles are in the Blaster Rifle category.

Green, Blue and Purple Double Bladed Lightsabers are in the Sniper Rifle category.

Green, Blue and Purple Blaster Rifles are in the LIghtsaber category.


There are no Techstaff or Techblades showing up. If these were taken out, I think some of the archive items need redistributed (and categorized to be useable... mainly if dressing a companion, I guess).


The new armors are adaptable and that's great. I really like it... BUT... they are not categorized in adaptable. They are categorized by either Light, Medium or Heavy with no indication which one they are in their description. This makes it difficult when trying to buy or sell them.


Another issue that I have not checked on lately are mods. Either I could not find the category for the newer mods or the older mods and as such creating, selling or buying archived or new mods became a severe detriment. This might be fixed, because as said, I haven't checked lately and I'm trying to finish this post with all I can remember.


And on that note, that's all I can remember... Oh, maybe for somethings to add...


1. Add a tab function to the GTN menu so I don't have to use the mouse when selling a bunch of things. I could just tab to the next option and fill it in or use the up and down arrows to select.


2. Make the pointer a bit more precise as to where it clicks. My laptop screen isn't so big and menus overlap. It gets frustrating when I'm trying to select an option and the menu behind the button I'm clicking on keeps getting selected and coming to the front. This happens even thought the option I'm trying to click on is highlighted showing it would be what I'm clicking when, in actuality, it is not. This happens to me a lot when I'm trying to use the search button on the GTN, agree to an invite to a group, accept shared missions, changed inventory options (ie, change from inv to mission inv) and so on. It really hurts when I'm trying to do something fast in combat like when an extra menu pops up that has something to do with what's going on... like clicking on the shield button in a Star Fortress so I don't get fried just walking across a bridge.


Now, that's all I can remember and thanks!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, just to add to this thread.


Server: Progenitor


Green and Blue Level 61 Adaptive Armour loot drops don't show up in Adapive Armour Category when listed on GTN.


This seems to be the same problem as that described above, IE they show up in Light, Medium, Heavy Categories.



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Hi, just to add to this thread.


Server: Progenitor


Green and Blue Level 61 Adaptive Armour loot drops don't show up in Adapive Armour Category when listed on GTN.


This seems to be the same problem as that described above, IE they show up in Light, Medium, Heavy Categories.




I m sure there a handful of items not showing at all.

But I found out that some items don't show when searched for with full item name.


Take the various model ships they are called Model "ADD NAME" and some won't show in search, BUT searching under Model alone usually allows you to find said item only you have to browse through all/most under the category Model.

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Just to throw this out there, some item names have a second space between the words. The search is sensitive enough to require the double spacing.


For example: "Joe__Blow" instead of "Joe_Blow"


I used to report those but never saw them fixed.

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Despite it being an on going issue for a long time:




However, please note that while we will be reading every thread and report in this forum, we will not respond to every thread, and a developer response in a thread is not an indication of the significance, priority, severity of a bug, or a guarantee that the bug will be fixed.


So that may be why they haven't said anything yet.

Edited by Nightblazer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to note that this issue is still present despite today's (05-April-2016) Patch 4.3.


Bioware: this is getting a little ridiculous, don't you think?

This issue has been reported for over a month and half now.

There have been 2 patches and a few maintenance cycles since the issue was first reported, and yet, despite that, this issue is still present.

What is the problem? Is the information provided not enough for someone to look into the issue and find out what is "wrong" with the items mentioned? If that is the case, what information do you need?

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I am happy to report that after today's maintenance to apply Patch 4.3a, the issue reported in this thread is no longer happening: level 61 BoE weapons are now appearing in their (correct) category and the level 61 BoE adaptive armours are now in the adaptive armour category.


Thank you for fixing this.

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