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Once again, this's happened. I was in one of my strongholds and I went to exit, I clicked on the "Exit to Space" option and is now stuck on loading screen that never loads. I'm not looking for suggestions on what I should've done as I know I shouldn't have done this, I just need to be moved asap. I had already created an in game ticket and am still waiting... Please just dump me on the fleet or anywhere for that matter. Shouldn't have to wait several days for a simple fix so I can play a game that I'm still paying for. If you guys are so backed up with in game tickets maybe its time to get more support?
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Well at least you know what's gone wrong. On the 15th of February I transferred a Level 65 character from the Tomb of Freedom Nadd server to the Red Eclipse, I too am stuck on the Loading Screen. After 2 hours of trying to log in to said character I put ticket in. Nothing. I then spent 16th and 17th trying to ring the Customer Service Phone Number, in desperation I contacted my own phone provider only to be told (after several attempts of them trying to get through) that there was a FAULT on the line! I then updated the in-game ticket telling them about the UK phone number fault and begging them to move this character to the fleet so I can play on her.


We have just downloaded the new patch, where is my character? STILL STUCK ON THE STRONGHOLD LOADING SCREEN! Does nothing connected to this game work properly? BTW, I too am a subscriber and I wouldn't be so cheesed off if they would at least acknowledge that I have a problem. I'm not asking to jump the queue, but as a paying customer I would like to be shown a small amount of common courtesy, the same as I did to them when I first put the ticket in and the subsequent updates added to it.

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