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Little things you do with your toons/companions...


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I started as a trooper and decided I didn't wanna be one of those guys with myself and my squad with all mismatching armor n stuff so I bought the Resolute protector armor for my toon and kept the default white and orange armor (the one Jorgan and Elara start with ) on them, when I got Tanno and yuun I switched the companions armor to the Mullinine/Chanlon (they both look the same..white with orange ) but didn't like it as much but now its all cosmetic (and the fact bioware basicly mailed me a second set each for Elara and Jorgan ) I have the whole squad in the default armor (the one with the orange stripe down the front ) like I always wanted in the first place



For my SW, IA and SI my toon and all companions (and JK's lord sourge ) all wear the Imperial Ace Pilot outfit sans helmet as I think it looks like a sorta Sith Empire field outfit, well lets be honest robes can get in the way in a fight and an agent can't wear his dress uniform everywhere so it makes sense..to me anyway




when I started my level 60 character for the expansion i had her as a Chiss agent (my headcanon being assigned to imperial intelligence in an exchange program ) and as such I felt she needed the right uniform ..luckily (and trust me..thanks to the new system it can be done ) try your chiss agent..in Ensign Temples uniform..its the only proper chiss uniform you can get in the game and my agent (after trying several other looks to no personal avail ) looks the part (makes sense that after the dissolving of imperial intelligence she'd cast off that uniform for her old chiss one




other little things, all my sith empire guys and companions guns (and lightsabers ) have red crystals and use the starforged rifles (i love how they look ) all republic guns have green crystals and the soldiers use one type of gun the mercs/non military rifle users use another, the sarge and Iresso both have full set of white matching armor 9the sarge has grey trim..iresso green )



My Knight has a full set of the mainly green with white trim trooper armor, makes him look more "defender of the republic "-y plus never been a fan of robes




now either I'm thinking too much about all this or i have some good ideas..what y'all think..plus what lil quirks ..if any do you have with your toons and companions looks?

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On my agent, I've got everyone wearing my spare imp uniforms. Except me, I don't wear a uniform, it would blow my cover.


I also say good morning to my companions when I first log in and good night when I last log out. Even though they usually just respond with "I'll help in any way I can with battle to come." or "We live to serve." :rolleyes:

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I don't dress up my characters + companions unanimously (though I admit that it would work nicely for Troopers, though that's the one class I've played the least - never past Ord Mantell, really). Instead I waste a lot of time, and sometimes credits, trying to come up with looks that suit the personalities. While a lot of people probably to that for their characters, I try to do it for most companions too :D

Like, for example with Gault when I played as a BH and recruited him, I decided to follow up on the whole thing where he had created this false identity - so now that Tyresius was gone and "Gault" became a part of a Bounty Hunting crew, and made an outfit that screams out that this dude is a ******, with the trenchcoat with the open bare chest, Mandalorian gauntlets and a huuuuge sniper rifle, with the idea that it was all a sham fitting Gault's character, to make him look convincing as a Bounty Hunter all the while he's not really that tough guy he pretends to be with his new wardrobe.


I try to do this for as many characters as possible, but with some it's either too easy (Quinn, for example, can only wear a some sort of Imperial uniform in my mind, and I only decided on the color (Red/Black)), or not really possible (Bowdaar, 4X, etc.). With others I have an idea, but sometimes it can't really be achieved fully due to limitations of what gear is available in the game as a whole, or if it would be way to much of a hassle to obtain something (like I recently wanted to get Canderous Ordo's vest for Andronikos on my Inquisitor, because for some reason I had decided in my mind that he needed something sleeveless, but I balked at paying nearly 2 million for it so I got him a more generic and pirate-y trenchcoat).


Believe it or not dressing up my companions in outfits that I put a lot of thought into is the main money sink in that game for me.

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My Pureblood Marauder, being red, has red Vette and the customization of Jaesa that makes her a redhead. :p


Next time I log into my RE Guardian, I'm going to put her Kira in Ghostly Magus Robes. Why? Well, that character is the daughter of my Light V Wrath and my friend's own version of Dread Master Styrak(that is, pretty much an OC that diverts from the game), and this Kira(not the actual Kira Carsen, lol) is actually a Dread Guard that protects her during their travels together. :rolleyes::p:D

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My toons











see what I mean about the Chiss suiting Ensign temples uniform? the amount of people who have thought at first my Knight was a trooper was crazy..only when I called out a companion or pulled out my lightsaber did they relise I'm actuall a jedi..though someone called me a noob for looking like a trooper (the mods were suited t a jedi its just they thought i should have robes n stuff..seriously ) y smuggler has missions vest, i froget what gauntlets she has, republic pilots belt shes a dual blaster wielder imperial experimental pilots pants and theron shans boots..kinda gives her that sassy look and my bounty hunter..all his companions wear the same outfit but in a different collor (the more dull colored one with blue parts plus he uses the speeder bike thats greena nd yellow with the credit hologram and a czerka speeder car (like the taxis ) in his armor color too..

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I like color themes. It's not so much that the toon has to have all of their companions matching them in some kind of uniform thing.


My Sith Sorcerer started out with red robes when I made her at level 60 with the KotFE expansion. I fooled around with blue and purple afterwards but they looked horrible so I put her back to being a dark red head, deep brown eyes and the dark red Amidala cosmetics and red and black armor. Her color crystal for her saber is red with a black outline.


My original character is a Sith Assassin before the new main (Sorcerer) took over. Right now, my Assassin is all white: White hair, the silver eyes, extremely pale skin, and white primary color with the minty green looking accents. You can barely see the green so it compliments well. She also has a white color crystal for her saber.


The Assassin's Ashara companion is already blue, white and orange, so I used white and orange for her armor and gave her orange color crystals for her sabers.


My BH is all green. Green armor, green eyes, green hair and green cosmetics. Her blasters are green as well.


I haven't gotten to my smuggler yet, but she's a blue twelik so she will actually also be wearing orange because I didn't want her turning into a blue blob and on the color wheel, blue is opposite to orange.


I have one other toon on my account that is a trooper but my cousin plays that I can't stand the class or character.


I keep trying to make a Sith Warrior that I want to be purple but I hate Korriban and refuse to do that Korriban starting realm again.

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