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KotFE (possible spoilers?)


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I'm curious to see what everyone has in mind for what they want to see in future scene of KotFE. I haven't played ch10 yet, but I have a vague idea of what happens.


Koth leaves the Alliance if you're a DS character and blow up the Spire, and you get Kaliyo as a new companion.


However, there's still quite a few chapters to be released. I personally would like to see a conversation between Valkorion and Senya, whether its the Outlander forcing him to speak or if he chooses to do so himself.


I know he speaks to Arcann in chapter 5(?) when the Outlander confronts him on Asylum for the first time, and the Outlander chooses the option of giving up and telling Lana to surrender the Gravestone. Valkorion then says something along the lines of "the only way you'll ever be free of me is if you kill him/her" to Arcann.


^So maybe it would be possible for him to speak to Senya.


I also want my romanced companions/old crew to come back soon. Imperial Agent is lucky - they're the ones getting everyone back right now.


On that note, I'm also curious how Bioware will have us confront our old romanced companions if we've chosen to start a new romance. I love Theron to death, but I want my SW back with Malavai asap. Despite his betrayal, I absolute adore Quinn :D


What do you guys want to see happen throughout the next chapters of KotFE?

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Re: previous romances...


My main, Kylath "Commandogirl" Argentis, romanced Aric Jorgan all the way to the end of the story, then in SoR she pursued Theron all the way to a bed somewhere. My plan was to pick that up again in KotFE, but the scene at the swamp pool hooked onto some stuff in my head(1), meaning that she went with Lana instead, all the way to the [Flirt] in the Chapter IX cantina.


Chapter XI promises to reintroduce Aric Jorgan. I'll be very disappointed if they don't write a bitter reunion for female Troopers who romanced him and also have a locked-in romance with a KotFE companion. (They're supposed to be good at this story-telling stuff, so they'd better do it.)


(1) NOT some "Ooh, girl on girl action, hur hur!" stuff, mind you. It found a conversation with an old friend (female) who had, for a variety of reasons, switched from going with men and shacked up with another woman.

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Something else I just remembered while playing yesterday - why haven't we seen more of Arcann's GEMINI units like the one shown briefly at the end of chapter VII? They look very similar to SCORPIO, so I'm guessing there will be some sort of battle/competition between the two versions.


I also wonder if Thexan's force ghost will make any sort of appearance. I highly doubt it, but it would be nice to see Arcann and Thexan interact in the game somehow.

Edited by nobarawolfgirl
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Something else I just remembered while playing yesterday - why haven't we seen more of Arcann's GEMINI units like the one shown briefly at the end of chapter VII? They look very similar to SCORPIO, so I'm guessing there will be some sort of battle/competition between the two versions.

I think someone missed a point somewhere. Think back to when you recruit SCORPIO, and what she says;


That Arcann has something of hers that she wants back. And then after that you see the GEMINI unit. I think it's easy to extrapolate that what she wants back from Arcann is *THE* GEMINI unit.


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