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Some live stream questions for Eric and Co


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So as not everyone is able to ask questions during the live streams, I wanted to post some now.


When can we expect an end to the hatred towards melee classes?, rather simple question, and one allot of people who have done KotfE especially chapter 10 would like to know, the spacing in chapter 10 was shocking, every single fight you either had to run around like a headless chook, or use gap closers, not to mention getting detected while in stealth by enemies over 40ms away.


Vette, Jeasa, Khem, Kira, When are we going to get the fun good comps back, not all the lame ducks, I mean who is next, Quinn and Skadge.


Are we ever going to get same gender MARRIAGE, or is the homophobic push back to strong.


Will we get to change Lana, Niko, so on looks.


Will Niko ever get some dimension added to him?.


Will we get to chose who we want as companions, lets face it Koth is another Quinn/Skadge no one wants him.


Will we see REAL consequents that actually matter, chapter 10 is undercut when 30 seconds later you get that mail from Lana.


Will there be more than just, Hi lets get married and never speak to each other again?.


Is artifice needing armstech parts for everything going to be fixed, and soon.


Is artifice going to get black white crystals, or is it too risky to make the angry 12 year old pvpers more angry.:p


Are we going to be able to sell the free level 60 gear, its was nice to start with, but now its just taking up space.


4 years, 3 new level cap increases, 0 speeder piloting upgrades, its past time for speeder piloting 4 and 5.


Added replay to content, SoR for me was the only xpac that made me replay it over and over, not just for the money (pre money nerf), but free and good gear ( getting tank gear drops while playing as a sniper in KotfE):mad:, but then the old 192 gear for comps made me do it allot of times, once for each healer, tank, and a dps, and that was with at the time 15 toons.


Will we see reputation back, it was worth the grinding to get and mail walkers to my lower level alts.:D


Slot machines, you want people to have a chance at getting older stuff, chance cubes is really not the way, so why not give us more slot machines, just test it allot first, and find a happy medium between the money maker it was to start with, and the useless of what it became.


Acknowledgement of who we are, seriously, I am his loyal WRATH an no mention of it.


Can we have some different conquest, every week its, do pvp, fp, ops, or heroics, how about more with repeatable crafting, or at least remove the legacy part of the current quests, now that 216 and 220 crafting needs conquest parts, it needs to be made more available.

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I'll try to address addressable points in order. Bear with me.


tl;dr version: some points I agree with, some not so much, and for the others I have no opinion.


(Melee classes). No opinion.


Who is next? Chapter XI brings Aric Jorgan and Bowdaar. (OK, they might not be your definition of "fun good" comps, but at least they aren't Skadge.)


The existing marriages are, well, fixed. We're stuck with them the way they are. The value-add to changing them to work for hetero and **** is much smaller than the cost of the work. No matter how interesting it might be to do it, there are so many other things that would be more valuable (new Ops, new WZs, new high-end FPs, etc.), and the flak they'd catch from e.g. all the people who wanted their commandogirls to marry Elara but couldn't (and now they've done KotFE they double-can't) would be unbelievable. So it isn't about homophobic pushback, just cost/benefit analysis.


Lana/Niko/Senya/etc. looks: Yeah, I want to know that, just like everyone else does.


I think we're stuck with Niko the way he is, not least since having him *at*all*, I thought(*), was a subscriber reward, so not everyone even has him. (So content oriented around developing his character would have a limited appeal.)


(*) If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.


Koth: well, some people do want him, and there's even a few who posted here about managing to upset him and make him leave when they didn't want him to. Just like some people forgave Quinn, and some people (me included) could forgive Kaliyo over the Wheezer incident.


So you think your choices that lead (or don't) to Koth's decision aren't "consequences that matter"? (Yeah, I know, we don't know if there will be a way to persuade him to come back.)


Married silence: Yeah, I wondered about that part. DS Jaesa, at least, in the very last (post-marriage) conversation, is planning for the future - the same might be said in the F!JK romance with Doc, and some or all of the others. But some word beyond a letter or two might be nice. (And might have helped prevent my main's willingness to look beyond Aric in SoR and KotFE.)


Artifice: no idea.


Don't know the significance of black white crystals, sorry.


Level 60 free gear: you're allowed to throw it away, you know...


There are various reasons pushing against speeder piloting speeds rising. Some are technical and relate to the capacities of the game engine. I think there's also an issue of places you should not be able to jump on speeders that would become jumpable on an SP4/5 speeder.


Repeatability: that's subjective. Can't help or hinder you with that.


I didn't think the reputation went away, just the ways to get more. Yeah, it would be nice to see some CM rep objects return.


Slot machines: no opinion, except that I don't recall anyone saying that they dropped actual CM gear.


Acknowledgement: yeah, probably there should be more of that.


Conquest: I think there were ... issues ... caused by repeatable-crafting conquests, and that's why they were canned. And I suspect that the per-legacy limits on certain objectives are there to encourage guilds to recruit many players rather than many alts. A guild with 200 different accounts *should* be able to beat out a guild with 200 different characters across only 20 accounts.

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OK, but then explain this, why with them still obviously paying the actors, can they not let my female op marry Lana.

Retroactively adding to old comps, sure allot of work, and other stuff, but why not Lana, Niko, Senya, and Theron.


The letter Lana sends you, its clear he will be back some how, bring me back to what was the point, its not a consequent.


Married silence, I meant as in you get married then never talk about it or anything ever again.


Slot machines, you earned rep, then they also (pre nerf), dropped lots of cartel tokens, which you could then take to get some of the items from rep vendors.


The problem was too many bigger guilds would just spam crafting to make them points, still gets used now and then, should be more options for crafters, and solo players.

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OK, but then explain this, why with them still obviously paying the actors, can they not let my female op marry Lana.

Retroactively adding to old comps, sure allot of work, and other stuff, but why not Lana, Niko, Senya, and Theron.


The letter Lana sends you, its clear he will be back some how, bring me back to what was the point, its not a consequent.

Nobody, male or female, can marry Lana (yet), so it isn't a case of bias against same-sex.


EDIT: and locking in the romance works just fine on female characters, just like on male characters. There is NO difference (aside from changing words like "he" and "his" to "she" and "her" when they refer to the player, or changing French adjectives from their masculine to feminine forms) in the dialogues.

Married silence, I meant as in you get married then never talk about it or anything ever again.

Yes, that's what I meant, too.

Slot machines, you earned rep, then they also (pre nerf), dropped lots of cartel tokens, which you could then take to get some of the items from rep vendors.

Right, so there's two problems: no more rep objects for non-slot reputations, and no new source of cartel certificates.

The problem was too many bigger guilds would just spam crafting to make them points, still gets used now and then, should be more options for crafters, and solo players.

Which do you want? Do you want to prevent issues with large guilds and crafting, or do you want to allow more options? (And if you want both, how do you propose fixing it?)

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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That was the point of the contraband slot machine, it let you get rep from retired cartel packs.

As for tokens, are they not longer in the newer packs?.


What odds does it matter, guild with 50 people is never going to compete with guilds with 500, conquest is not balanced as it is, so why not let more people access to getting the rewards.


As it is, if you wanted to self craft 216 gear, you need to complete 14 conquest to do so, and earn almost 100 isotopes to do so, now imagine those like me, who not only like to self craft, but have several toons, 19 in my case.


Far easier and less time consuming to rack up conquest points crafting, then sitting and waiting for fp, ops, or wz, especially if your on a quieter server, more so if again like me your an Aussie on a server with maybe 200 people on the entire game when you play.

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That was the point of the contraband slot machine, it let you get rep from retired cartel packs.

As for tokens, are they not longer in the newer packs?.

As I recall, it gave you rep from just one of the packs (certainly that's what it does now).


And there's no cartel certificates in any of the post-4.0 packs. (Alliance and Anarchist)

What odds does it matter, guild with 50 people is never going to compete with guilds with 500, conquest is not balanced as it is, so why not let more people access to getting the rewards.

It was, I think, about preventing a guild with 50 players, 10 characters each, from competing on an equal footing with a guild with 500 players, 1 character each.

As it is, if you wanted to self craft 216 gear, you need to complete 14 conquest to do so, and earn almost 100 isotopes to do so, now imagine those like me, who not only like to self craft, but have several toons, 19 in my case.

Isotope thingies are available from various non-group sources, like Destroy-the-SF missions. (Yes, they say they are for groups. I did all six without grouping.) With 19 characters, you can complete 19 conquests each time there's a crafting week (two kinds of conquest are crafting weeks out of 14 different kinds, see Dulfy for the schedule), if you have enough materials for the crafting you need to do.

Far easier and less time consuming to rack up conquest points crafting, then sitting and waiting for fp, ops, or wz, especially if your on a quieter server, more so if again like me your an Aussie on a server with maybe 200 people on the entire game when you play.

As I said above, isotope thingies are available from soloable content.

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