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Saber Stances


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Hello. I saw long time ago someone posted about saber stances, so i want to refresh his idea about saber stances.

All Sage's looks the same, all Guardians looks the same (holding their sabers)


It would be great thing to Cartel Packs to add Saber stances.



Stances can works only when we don't use attacks and got saber ON. I mean the same animations of skills but another stance out of fight.



Sorry for my english, waiting for Your opinions :p

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The simplest way I can think of that they could do it is to add a /combatidle2 /combatidle3 etc for this. Combat and movement would cancel it unless it just stayed on until you did a different /combatidle command. Though were they to do that I'd imagine it'd be a cartel market purchase like other emotes.


Were they to do it they would also need to add in different blaster stances as well other than just glowbat stances. Else it'd be kind of pointless from a business standpoint as you'd have two out of four classes going after them. I really don't see how you'd do those differently unless they get really creative. So the odds of them doing this would be very unlikely.

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Special section like "Consular" "Sage" "Pet" "Vehicles" -> "Combat Stance" and You get something like buff, and You hold Your saber in different form. Same with Troopers/Smugglers :p It would be hot thing in CC Market! Edited by tummiswtor
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