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For those of you who have done it before, let me know! KoTFE doesn't really cut it for me and I am planning to unsub this month. Looking just to come on and run a few TFPs a week, have fun (for some reason I love the tacts without a trinity make-up - most of them anyway). So what affairs should I look after before I unsub? Things I can think of:


- Buy unlocks (headpiece, GTN, cargo hold).

- Leave 350k in my inventory and mail the rest in 350k batches (unopened) to my alts (for the 6 that will be available, right?).

- Buy unlocks for 2 more quickbars?

- is there a crew skill unlock?

- Buy the legacy wide cargo bays?


Will this work? Any preferred unpleasantries to expect?


Anything else I missed?


I am about to be very lazy;


Crew Skill Assignment slot (945cc)

Customization Control: Display Character titles (200cc)

Customization Control: Unify colors (775cc)

Unlock: Inventory Module (390cc)


Total value for unlocks; 2310cc, if they're a subscriber and stay a subscriber they save 200k per inventory unlock on each character if they save it for the final unlock. Otherwise... 2.3k cc on minor unlocks saved (What? 20$ worth ish?)

**All CC figures are for account unlock not individual character unlocks as all characters past/current get the unlocks.


You do not need to be a subscriber when you use the raf links. They are usable at any time after you have been a subscriber at any point and time. However, once you use one while subscribed you cannot use another raf link until you drop your subscription for 90 consecutive days. They are useable again 90 days after your current subscription ends if you use a raf while subscribed - however during the 7 days 'free' you will not be eligible for any promotions so make sure you re-subscribe if you want any promo items rather than relying on the free time.


Some other things on this thread that I noticed people asking which I might be able to clarify for you;


Am doing same thing as OP and have a few other questions (I did unsub but still have 2 1/2 weeks remaining on old sub and a lot was answered in this thread): let's say I've purchased additional cargo bays in the past (about 3 years ago) while subbed,will they still be available? If I buy extra character slots now (or have done so in the past), will my extra toons be unlocked or I should wait to buy them?


Cargo bays will remain available, your extra slots will remain available as well. Any cargo/legacy bank slots bought while subscribed remain available, however some things like inventory unlocks you can only buy while subscribed (F2P/Pref can buy the first module but are limited to CC purchases after). The same limitation may apply to cargo/legacy but I am not sure and would have to check a secondary account.


Currently, as a sub, you have 12 slots plus X (X is the number of slots you brought from GTN or cartel).

When you'll go to preferred you'll have 6 slots plus X, so you can keep 6+X active characters.

You'll need to activate manually once the alts you want to use when you are in the character selection before you can use it. When you hit the 'cap' for possible character slots used you will notice they kinda gray out on GTN, much like decorations that you have the maximum number of learned.


All the alts that exceeds 6+X will be inactive until you sub, or until you buy another slot via GTN or cartel


The number for a preferred who is a prior subscriber has changed from 6 to 8 as of 4.0. I noticed the change on my two pref-alt accounts that are prior subscribers. You now get 8 character slots by default (+1 for the instant 60) if you are a prior subscriber that is now pref.


Neither of those accounts had any character slots applied to them. My pref account that only got 5$ in CC added to it is still limited to 6 character slots.


I'm quite confused by this, looking at internet posts. If all my toons are max level (65), with max level gear (200-220, lesser for relics) - from various sources (GTN, FPs, Ops, vendors), do I need to get the unlock?

The gear that is bought with common/glowing/radiant crystals will not require artifact authorization unless you pull the mods out of the gear to make it bind to legacy or modify it in another way.


Color crystals from CM do not require AA, but your crafted crystals (and all crafted artifact gear) will require AA if you unequip the gear etc. Anything from OPS, GTN, or Crafting if it is artifact quality gear will require authorization if you unequip them and try to reequip, or if it is vendor gear you stripped and put into BTL gear that you unequip and try passing to another character.


It may be of interest to note that when KoTFE dropped a lot of pref players who were wearing gear that was ops gear and grandfathered in so they could use it found the gear had been moved to their bags and they had to re-gear because it no longer allowed them to wear it.


It seems shady of them to have done this, but because of the risk involved in relying on grandfathered in gear, you may want to make sure you have the artifact authorization unlocked.


Snipping a bit from another post because it's damn useful, but I had a bit to add to what they said as well.

Cartel monthly sub of 500cc will go. If you have a security key though you still get that 100cc.

Cargo bay, remember that there are a max of 5 bays.

Legacy bays, again there a max of 5 bays.


Quick bars. You will need 3 off these to get max.

Hide head shot if this is important to you.


GTN slots, you will go down to 10 slots so if you sell a lot you may wish to have more.

Inventory slots, you go down to 20-30 cannot remember but you can have 80.

If you unlock them prior to dropping subscription, all inventory unlocks remain. So if you have all 80 unlocked, you keep all 80.

You lose medical probe but with companions so strong at the moment this is not a big deal, however remember companions could change at any time.

You lose quick travel. You lose emergency fleet pass.(though with the heroic set as they are this is not a big deal)

You also go to credit cap of 350k

Character title and display legacy name will also go.

Emergency fleet pass stays, but the cooldown changes a bit.

You will get the title display through refer a friend which will grant a box with four unlocks previously mentioned;



Crew Skill Assignment slot (945cc)

Customization Control: Display Character titles (200cc)

Customization Control: Unify colors (775cc)

Unlock: Inventory Module (390cc)

**All CC figures are for account unlock not individual character unlocks as all characters past/current get the unlocks.




Strongholds, you lose one option, EG, if you went to stronghold from courscant you can only go back to courscant you cannot go to fleet. Not sure about if you can go from courscant to stronghold then to ship.

Less XP after level 20, if not maxed out already. Also not a big deal anymore.


gear boxes from heroics will also go, if maxed out not an issue, but if you make new characters you will miss these a lot.

All lockboxes go away from missions, and some other rewards. If you have not completed SoR on any characters I strongly suggest completing it before sub ends. That's almost 300 of the common glowing crystals you will not get on reaching Rishi otherwise.



Really the only thing you will desperately miss is the credits. 350 cap is a fair amount but if you buy sell stuff you will find this the hardest thing to drop down to. you could buy escrow boxes but personally I don't think they are worth the cost real or unreal money.


Guilds, remember if you are a GM, you will lose guild to another player unless every other player is also a F2P>


If I think of anything else I will edit this but that's all I can think off at present time. Well other than future chapters of KotFE and any reward if this is something you care for, I assume you don't as you should know this already.

Small add on regarding guilds as well. If you buy guild bank access you are not able to deposit or withdraw credits from the guild bank! You can withdraw and add items to a guild bank but cannot add or withdraw credits with that unlock. It was apparently a loophole that was sealed because F2P were using them as personal guild banks and then doing mass money trades through managing that guild to get around the cap.


Mailing credits after you're pref I don't believe is possible either, and you will find you need to mail items one at a time.


With crafting someone mentioned earlier - there may be a decrease in critical chance on crafting missions (I would need confirmation on this, it is something someone else mentioned a while ago in another F2P thread). You are reduced to 3 total crafting/gathering missions active and can only have one item crafted by each companion. So if you're crafting 3x items, you will have 3x companions out and not be able to send anymore.




Section X is also only unlocked while you are subscribed and is not connected directly to any of the expansions. You will need to buy Section X authorization for character or account if you want to get there to get HK-51. HK-51 can be unlocked through legacy for 1mil but... pref cap is 350k.


Treek will apparently unlock to collections if you are legacy 40 and buy the 1mil contract from CM area. According to some older posts I've seen this means you should be able to do the cartel collections unlock with that.


Edit; This link also has some useful information in it for things we may not have covered


Edited by Manathayria
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Mailing credits after you're pref I don't believe is possible either, and you will find you need to mail items one at a time.

Actually, you can't mail credits as a prefered, it's a fact, but you can trade it with someone.

My girlfriend is a prefered player, she gives me sometimes her credits so that they don't go to the escrow.

I leave them on a character and buy what she needs with it ;)

Edited by Goldorhino
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Actually, you can't mail credits as a prefered, it's a fact, but you can trade it with someone.

My girlfriend is a prefered player, she gives me sometimes her credits so that they don't go to the escrow.

I leave them on a character and buy what she needs with it ;)

I did something similar with my partner, only we used a guild bank. whoever is F2P at the time uses the bank as their 'escrow' and the one of us that is a subscriber has guild leadership and uses those credits to buy what the other person wants. It's a guild of two. :3


As for the mail, I think I covered that. Note the bold. Looking like you thought I said you can...


Mailing credits after you're pref I don't believe is possible either, and you will find you need to mail items one at a time.


Worth noting as well;


The method of passing credits between characters for a pref character via credit bought items (legacy gear that cost 100k+) was also sealed up with not being allowed to put those items in till the timer expires. I have heard rumors that some items will still refund correctly if mailed but I am not willing to test that.

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As for the mail, I think I covered that. Note the bold. Looking like you thought I said you can...

I am sorry if I misunderstood your sentence, I am French.

I understood that you thought, but were not fully sure, that it's impossible to send credits by mail, and I just wanted to confirm it, because I tested it myself ;)

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One error I made earlier so will put correct answer now.

I said as preferred you drop down to 6 characters (from 12 as a sub) plus any character slots you have brought in addition.

This was incorrect as you drop down to 7, plus any slots you have brought I totally forgot about the free level 60 token which razed slot limit by one for subs.


AS a side note, I would just like to say it nice to see so many helpful players posting in this thread. With so much negativity on the forums it's good to know that players will help other out with advice.


Good look OP and really hope in time you sub again.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Am doing same thing as OP and have a few other questions (I did unsub but still have 2 1/2 weeks remaining on old sub and a lot was answered in this thread): let's say I've purchased additional cargo bays in the past (about 3 years ago) while subbed,will they still be available? If I buy extra character slots now (or have done so in the past), will my extra toons be unlocked or I should wait to buy them?


Any unlock you have brought you will keep. Any free item unlocks you will lose. A few exceptions such as level 60 token as one example or ones gain though in-game perks as another.


Toons are a little different. You go down to 7 toons from 13. As preferred get 6 characters (+1 if you had the free level 60 token)


Once your sub ends and log in all character become inactive. So lets say at present time to make things simple lets say you have 20 toons on 1 server (12 as a sub plus 1 free 60 token=13) so you have brought 7 slots. (12 +1+7=20)


your 12+1 drops to 6+1 = 7 Plus 7 slots brought =14 (6+1+7=14.)


So when you log in it will show all 20 characters as inactive. Once you log into a character 1 becomes active. You may do this a total of 14 times on different characters out of your 20, but you get to pick which 14. Once you have done 14 the rest can only be activated by either buying/acquiring more character slots or re-subbing.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I use guildship and strongholds for fast travel, I havent used fleet pass in months. qt still works and I imagine the heroic shuttles will still work


Just to correct you.

From Sub to Pref, you wont lose Fleet pass and Quick Travel but the Fleet pass cooldown will go from 1h 30m to 12h cooldown.


The most important thing you SHOULD buy is Artifice gear authorization (account) if you plan on buying and using later mods and stuff while staying Pref.


If you're playing Operations and Warzones, consider buying Weekly Passes.


Several months back I went from Sub to Pref and bought SoR exp. everything was fine, I could buy and wear purple gear but when KOTFE came to life, I couldnt wear purple gear anymore (even if it already was on my chars for months). So I had to use my Account Authorization in order to wear my stuff again.

My chars were 60 lvl (max lvl before KOTFE).

So just to be cautious, buy that Authorization, it might save you the trouble later.


It's a good thing I subbed back on 27.11 just to kill that old Emperor again. :D

Edited by DzastinBiberi
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Just to correct you.

From Sub to Pref, you wont lose Fleet pass and Quick Travel but the Fleet pass cooldown will go from 1h 30m to 12h cooldown.


The most important thing you SHOULD buy is Artifice gear authorization (account) if you plan on buying and using later mods and stuff while staying Pref.


If you're playing Operations and Warzones, consider buying Weekly Passes.


Several months back I went from Sub to Pref and bought SoR exp. everything was fine, I could buy and wear purple gear but when KOTFE came to life, I couldnt wear purple gear anymore (even if it already was on my chars for months). So I had to use my Account Authorization in order to wear my stuff again.

My chars were 60 lvl (max lvl before KOTFE).

So just to be cautious, buy that Authorization, it might save you the trouble later.


It's a good thing I subbed back on 27.11 just to kill that old Emperor again. :D


On my preferred accounts which I have 3 I don't have this. I got 1 fleet pass and 5 quick travel and 5 med probes. Once used they were gone unless I buy or acquired more. Not sure why this is different for you?

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Now that sucks, as SH was my fav place in the game with my GTN, legacy bank, mail and vendor. Now it seems I have to use my starship.

I meant to say the planet the SH is on, not just Nar Shaddaa. Obviously they put that in to prevent Preferred form using the SH as "free" priority transport to starship and fleet.


On my preferred accounts which I have 3 I don't have this. I got 1 fleet pass and 5 quick travel and 5 med probes. Once used they were gone unless I buy or acquired more. Not sure why this is different for you?

He's not talking about single-use travel passes, he's talking about the Legacy travel CD reductions.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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