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Opening cutscene


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If you mean the Cinematic Trailers, and are talking about the bada** who dual-wielded a doublesaber and single saber, it's Kao Cen Darach.


Other important characters are Malgus, Satele Shan, T7-01, Van Zallow, Jace Malcolm.


I forget the name of the smuggler, and of Malgus' master.

Edited by EzioMessi
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In the Return video the Zabrak Jedi is Kao Cen Darach. The girl is his Padawan, none other than Satele Shan who later (i.e. during the time of the actual game which is some years after the intro videos) becomes the Grand Master of the whole Jedi Order. The two Sith Lords are Darth Vindican and Darth Malgus. The soldier is Jace Malcolm and the guy who was arrested for smuggling Sith artefacts out of Korriban is named Nico Okarr. There is a cameo by the astromech droid T7-O1 who will become one of the Jedi Knight's companions during the game.


In the Hope video we have mostly the same roster - Satele Shan and Jace Malcolm on the side of the Republic, and Darth Malgus who leads the Empire's troops.


In the Decieved video we once more see Darth Malgus, though older and more scarred. The Twi'lek that accompanies him is his wife, Eleena Daru. The red-haired chick with the Mandalorian armor and the jetpack is Shae Vizla. On the side of the good guys we have Jedi Master Ven Zallow, he is the one who duels with Malgus and loses, and another small cameo from T7.

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