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Question to BIOWARE/EA about MOVIE/Canon ITEM/Items

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You guys RARELY come on here. and say exactly what is up about specific items . weather you can or can't add them. you leave it to the player base to bicker and argue like children, i wish you would just answer , CAN YOU ADD Jedi Knight Robes, from say the prequels. like anakin and obi wan's , Can you add a Cross Guard Lightsaber , WHAT IS THE DEAL. in the live streams you said you are now working with disney , they are proofing and even re writing some story lines for KOTFE, you now have LUCASFILM LTD on the first loading screen/splash screen , it DID NOT use to have that. "dont argue and say it always has been there" cause it has not... i have been playing this game since beta invite. i remember every little change. specially when they removed alot of the swtor made soundtrack and added the movie music in its place, cause when the game launched it was SWTOR MADE SOUNDTRACK only , maybe there would be a tiny bit of music, main title stuff, but now its mainly john williams score music, mixed with some of the tor music, but thats not the point.


anyway, i just wanto know FROM a dev or mod or WHO EVER can reply to the community, CAN YOU ADD a Crossguard lightsaber of your own making...if so why haven't you , is it an animation issue? or what.. cause you released this unstable lightsaber. that is clearly suppose to be like Ren's.... but it should of been a cross guard. you put the Canon armor "temple Guardian up on direct buy on the market" even though its been in game for a couple years, and use to be from a pack. P.s sucks i had it for ever. and now tons of people are walkin around in it :( jk. but please be more specific on what you are adding and what can and can't be used from the flims and tv shows. / canon, THX,


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Maybe the question should be aimed at Disney/Lucasfilm not BioWare. The devs might not even be allowed to give specific details regarding the restrictions they have to deal with. When Disney, Lucasfilm and EA are your bosses, BioWare Austin holds very little power in this business relationship. I think Disney/Lucasfilm view SWTOR as the red headed stepchild of the Star Wars family. Edited by Unchosen
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well its been a while since i posted this question to the devs. and they NEVER answer. they say they are very involved with the playe rbase , but never to rarely post on the forums, i;m tired of hearing the excuse in tickets from them taking so long to answer , not posting on the forums and answering questions. "SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET BACK TO YOU, WE'VE been busy with knights of the fallen empire,. " that's fine and dandy but. don't you have a whole team of devs. and a team of people that are specifically suppose to answer tickets. cause in they're favor there really weren't that many huge bugs in kotfe when it was out the first week, i've seen worse launches. and that one was actually pretty smooth, i remember , some people weren't able to make they're free level 60 , but other then that i didn't hear much, but other then kotfe the Sorting in banks and losing items. which happened to myself. , i just want bioware/ea to be more involved and keep their word and stay in touch with the player base on the forums and answer more questions more often. CHEERS
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