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Nexu DPS is way weaker comparing to "normal" companions


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Considering all the trouble one goes through to raise a Nexu to rank 50 (I think it's considerably more difficult than raising other companions), one would expect it to perform no worse than other companions.


I felt like my Nexu was underperforming, so I used Parsec to compare companions' DPS.


Scenario: rank 50 companions are buffed with all 4 buffs, attacking Operations Training Target at the Fleet; my character is doing nothing.


Approximate results:

Nexu - 2100-2300 DPS

Other companions (Theron, Lana, Xalek) - 3500-4300 DPS


I think this is a bug - I see no reason for the Nexu to do way less damage than others at the same rank (I suspect the same issue with other combat pets though). It doesn't feel right that expensive combat pets are weaker than "normal" companions we get for free.

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