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To find a findsman incomplete/dissapeared (bug)


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Character : Deiçyde

Server : The Harbinger


Unable to complete "to find a findsman" mission.


Prior to 4.1, I recieved an alert from the Hutt on odessen to go speak with Yuun on zakuul. I went to Yuun and began the dialog cutscene. Yuun then gave me the dialog options, one of them being "ill come back later". I then abandon the mission from my log figuring I could go back to Yuun later and accept the mission. After 4.1 when I return to Yuun he is missing, I can not see him, however I can see other players around where he is supposed to be interacting with him. After 4.1a the alert dissapeared and Yuun is still missing on zakuul, and the hutt will not give me the mission either. I am hoping to get this bug resolved so I can recruit hk-55. If you need any further info let me know. Thanks

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