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[BUG] Xalek Alliance Recruit Mission Bug


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I have reported this problem three times now since the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire as tickets in-game. The first response I got from the Support Team was basically "This is a known bug", the second response was basically "There is nothing we can do to help you with this problem" and the third response was again "This is a known bug".


I attempted to recruit Xalek as a companion through his Alliance Alert Mission on the first night of Early Access for Knights of the Fallen Empire on my Bounty Hunter (Hacktheplanet-Harbinger), but when I finished his Alert Mission, I did not receive him. As of right now since that quest, he is part of the Alliance Recruits Tab in the Companions & Contacts Window. The Interactions Description within his recruit window say:


After defeating Xalek in a duel, you rejected him as a companion, and had him imprisoned for his crimes.


You tracked Xalek down on Ilum, where he was systematically killing members of a mining expedition that desecrated his father's grave.


You convinced the miners to build a shrine to venerate Xalek's father, fulfilling Xalek's obligation to his father's honor, and sparing the miner's lives.


Given this information, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, I tried to recruit him that night. I have intentionally recruited every single companion possible, and Xalek was no exception in the attempt to recruit. I know there was a bug with Xalek right after launch, where people were not receiving him. And that was apparently fixed in a patch afterwards, but I never received him even after that patch. The last in-game ticket I put in forwarded me to create a post on this forum in an attempt to find a resolution to this "bug".


I am greatly hoping this issue can be resolved finally, either by isolating the actual bug and fixing it in an upcoming patch that hopefully, can be in the very near future or at the very least allow Xalek to be recruited after the fact through the Companion Locator Terminal within the Alliance Base on Odessen.

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