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War Supplies Crafting Bug


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In reviewing the components required to make war supplies after 4.1, I noticed that two of the schematics now require grade six components, while none require grade 4. It now goes like this for the first three levels:


Grade 2 & 3

Grade 5 & 6

Grade 6 & 7


This seems to affect all the crafting professions I was able to review.

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I have been searching everywhere for a dev response to this and can't find anything. As someone who stockpiled grade 4 mats I would really like a fix to this before March 1st conquest. This really set back my progress on being able to precraft war supplies for conquest.
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I can confirm that this applies to all crafting skills. Grade 4 Assembly mats are not required to Craft medium grade War Supplies, as they should be. This bug is not mentioned in the "Known Bugs" sticky, or the "Upcoming Fixes" sticky, which worries me. Please fix this before the upcoming crafting week!
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Would like to see some kind of response to this.


Here you go! :D


Oh, you meant from Bioware? ;)


Much as I'd like to say that I'm confident that they will fix this obvious and glaring bug before TGW.... well, I'm not really that confident about it. :(

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