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Game Saber Forms vs What They ACTUALLY Are


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We all know that SWTOR is not the greatest at conforming to saber form lore. Here is my comprehensive list of what SWTOR's saber forms are ACTUALLY most like, should any of you want to take this into account for headcannon reasons.



Shii-Cho: Force Integration? Check. Balanced defense and offense? Check. Use of both single and twin sabers? Check. SWTOR's Shii-Cho style SCREAMS Niman form. Niman form is a mixture of the best elements of all of the forms that came before it, resulting in a balanced style. Jar'Kai dual blade fencing was also developed from Niman, and Niman focused HEAVILY on the integration of force techniques into one's fighting style


Soresu: The dev's actually did this one pretty well, from its conservative movements to its solid defense. It does seem to have some minor Shii-Cho influences, but I will let that slide


Shien: This, along with the game's "Ataru," may be the most egregious perversions of saber forms in the entire game. Through and through, SWTOR's Shien form is Ataru. The attacks from its discipline are extremely acrobatic, and the form itself provides a boost to movement speed. (Ataru focused on mobility heavily)


Ataru: Oh boy... Where to even start... I will spare you all of my abundant criticism of SWTOR's interpretation of Ataru and just tell you flat out; SWTOR's Ataru is Juyo. It is ALL the Juyo. From it's focus on attack speed to it's bonuses to precision and armor penetration, it is EXACTLY what Juyo is.


Juyo: This one is less obvious, and took some digging into saber form lore to figure out. There was one HUGE giveaway though. Inverted grip. SWTOR's Juyo, especially its imperial version, LOVES inverted grip. The one form in saber form lore that is dominated by inverted grip is Shien. Shien fits SWTOR's Juyo quite well, with its focus on inverted grip, as previously mentioned, and powerful blows that decimate opponents (Annihilate/Merciless Slash)

Edited by Vaxael
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