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Crafting UI broken


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Works fine with token characters 60, but not with others.


Can confirm that. I have two Synthweavers, One token character 60 synthweaver and her schematic list works but my second synthweaver who I lvled from 0-65 cannot view her schematics.

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Posted this one in the bug report thread:


Ok, maybe this helps with finding the issue:


I just started playing again like...2 months ago. So ALL BUT ONE character of mine are new, not older than these 2 months, thus only learned actual schematics. For all of these characters, everything works fine.


The character where Synthweaving isnt working, is a character that was created on release day like 4 years ago. She has tons of old schematics, speaking of a really large archive. Also, for some reason, the Adaptive Armor category was always showing up twice in her Synthweaving menu.


So, maybe there is something about that that cause the issue? Speaking of "deprecated schematics" there.

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