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Thank you for increasing the grass render distance... next step: Tree render distance


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Render distance in this game has been a huge pet peeve of mine. Thanks so much for taking one step towards improving it with the grass improvements this patch.


I hope that the devs are working at putting in the options to increase the tree rendering distances as well.

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Never ceases to amaze me when people post something like the OP. Praising them for grass render distance, when they are almost 6 hours overdue for a patch update, and all the servers are down. Sure glad people have their priorities :eek:


Maybe its because something like the view distance is something you have to deal with EVERY day you play.


The game being down on the other hand, is temporary, and will ultimately get fixed. When the game is back up and running and you are back to playing the game, you arent gonna be sitting there griping about how you cant play.


Or, maybe its just the fact that Im stuck at work, so the game being down isnt affecting me, allowing me not to be so short sighted by the need to be instantly gratified that Im able to focus on a much longer term issue thats been plaguing me, that is now partially fixed/improved.

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