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Downtime Funtime


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Is this forum game supposed to make up for the loss of early access? Because it doesn't. If I were to be this late with my payment for my subscription, I'd lose all the perks. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, lol. It's just history repeating itself. :p


Oh snap! :sy_lightside:

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I just realx with a smile, i play swtor, dc universe online and star trek online, all 3 games have the prob with maintenance. they say servers up, but than down for some more hours.^^


Agreement: Yes. Yes they do. No online game is immune to this kind of thing.


Fact: Wake up meatbags. You don't avoid these things. Technology doesn't work perfectly all day every day. This is the real world where things break and don't work perfectly.


Fact: If you're that upset about it that you are going to leave, then leave. Posting about it here won't change anything. It won't make them rethink their life.


Suggestion: Take a chill pill. Don't have one? Use a chill strip. You put it on your tongue and it dissolves in your mouth. Just chill.

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Agreement: Yes. Yes they do. No online game is immune to this kind of thing.


Fact: Wake up meatbags. You don't avoid these things. Technology doesn't work perfectly all day every day. This is the real world where things break and don't work perfectly.


Fact: If you're that upset about it that you are going to leave, then leave. Posting about it here won't change anything. It won't make them rethink their life.


Suggestion: Take a chill pill. Don't have one? Use a chill strip. You put it on your tongue and it dissolves in your mouth. Just chill.


Thank you for this widsom, HK! :p

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Alright, I some folks aren't the biggest fans of the copy/paste race. So for now, the first 3 people to answer each question. I will PM them a code. Also, I posted an update about the status of the downtime here.


Next question, what Advanced Class did I boost to 60, and complete Fallen Empire with first. (hint: it was an Empire Advanced Class)



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Yoda. Its always Yoda. And my god, by the time the page reloads there are 2 new pages to the damn forum. :mad:

Got temporary out of service when answering. Even if it would of worked, no way to beat the time of 1st answer from here...average page refresh is 4 min.


But I'm used to getting nothing. I hold the record of 11 (1-100) consecutive rolls under 10 (edit: and 44 consecutive item REs without a schematic drop). The KOTFE intro related quote also reminded me that, which I found quite sarcastic.

Edited by Overmind
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Alright, I some folks aren't the biggest fans of the copy/paste race. So for now, the first 3 people to answer each question. I will PM them a code. Also, I posted an update about the status of the downtime here.


Next question, what Advanced Class did I boost to 60, and complete Fallen Empire with first. (hint: it was an Empire Advanced Class)




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