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Trandoshans as a playable race?


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So, ever since the game came out, I've been hoping to see trandoshans brought in as playable characters. I actually was pretty shocked when I first played and found out they weren't in the game already. ;( One of the reasons I loved Star Wars Galaxies was because of the trandoshan race, and how customizable they were. I know they're in the game as NPCs and whatnot (though they look a bit weird and cartoony, unlike the more realistic reptilian approach SWG did, which I hope would influence how the race would look if they did end up adding them for play).


I don't know if there's even going to be any more playable races in the future, or how much more content is even going to be released for the game.. but it would be awesome to see them as playable races for both factions! That, and of course, even more races on top of that would be cool, too. Haha. I dunno. I just always love games that let you play other races, aliens or whatever, that aren't super humanoid.


But, that's just my opinion, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's not been a high demand for them. But hey, I figured posting this here wouldn't hurt at the very least.. lol. Though I definitely have my fingers crossed for the future.

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A lot of people have asked for this before (Forum Search is your friend!), and the answer usually circulates around these issues:

* Trandoshans are too tall - some cut-scenes aren't going to work well with them, although it's not as bad as the people who want to be Jawas or whatever it is that Yodas are properly called(1)

* Trandoshans don't speak Basic, so handling player dialogue might be a bit weird. Where would a female SI be without that deliciously evil and sardonic voice?

* Trandoshans would have issues with armour. (OK, you can forcibly hide their helmets, gloves, and boots, but they might still have clippy issues with normal sets.)

* Companion romance scenes might be, um, a bit weird. Can you imagine Risha or Temple kissing one?


(1) Only one person knows what Yodas are properly called, and he isn't telling.

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* Trandoshans don't speak Basic, so handling player dialogue might be a bit weird. Where would a female SI be without that deliciously evil and sardonic voice?


This is the primary issue for a few other races, including Wookies and Rodians, and the "hammerhead" species (sorry, I don't remember off the top of my head, what they're called). If you listen carefully to dialogue from Wookiee and Trandoshan NPC's such as Bowdaar, Jakarro and Qyzen Fess, there are a small, set number of sound effects for their speech that are repeated as often as necessary. It's really hard to create a whole language based on those sound effects. Voice actors would then have to record these for every line these characters would say, from the beginning of the class story.


* Companion romance scenes might be, um, a bit weird. Can you imagine Risha or Temple kissing one?


Well, I dunno how it would be with Trandoshans, but remember that one very famous lady of Star Wars lore once said-- "I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee." I don't know if she ever did or not, haha.

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This is the primary issue for a few other races, including Wookies and Rodians, and the "hammerhead" species (sorry, I don't remember off the top of my head, what they're called).

If you mean Chozen Doodah who joins you after the Alderaan Star Fortress or Master Wossname who interrupts JKs or JCs who are helping that loser round the back of Kaleth - the one who can't lift the rock - they are Ithorians.


But they are also way too tall as well.

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Ithorians, that's it. Thanks.


Chozen Doodah. Hahahaha. I like that. Funny how I remember the name, Chozen Rabaat, but not the species. My memory is rather selective like that. :/

Mine too, because I couldn't remember his last name, but, despite not being a lore nerd, I could remember his species.

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everyone hates Zenith

I don't hate Zenith. He's a good multi-tasker -- he divides his time between crafting and being a dancer at my stronghold.


WHAT?! Why should just the guys get to objectify Twi'leks?! :rolleyes:


As for Qyzen, he's loyal, tall, ruggedly handsome (in a Trandy sort of way) ;) , a very good listener, and a sentient male who doesn't talk much but lets his actions speak louder than words. He and I have been together since my earliest days at the Academy and he has *never* let me down. I cannot thank Master Yuon Par enough for introducing us! :o


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