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Romance lockouts for Koth. Your experiences. [SPOILERS]


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So I just took a new toon through KOFTE and decided to romance Koth but I wanted to play a sort of jaded jedi so I made a few dark side choices but the only one that Koth called me out on was the reactor, which I let blow. I knew doing it that it might lock him out but I decided to try my luck anyway. As the story progressed I ended up being pretty light sided. I apologised for the reactor, I let the refugees aboard the ship, gave inspiring speeches, flirted at every opportunity, treated decent people well and it seemed like all was going well until I got the brush off in the cantina.


I'm not really complaining, I knew it was a risk . I do think that the romance should not have been allowed to progress as far as the kiss after the Arcaan fight if he was going to tear me a new one later.


Do we know for sure that the reactor is the one thing he won't let go? I also chose to take Senya to meet the cult dudes and suggested that Scorpio kill the son (who I knew to be a weasel from past playthroughs). I also killed the knights (they tried to kill me first) and hid Valk from everyone and used his power once (first time with no collateral damage). I also killed Vik who was scum and looking to hold Koth's old crew member hostage.


My alignment was at Light IV I think so that wasn't an issue.


I'm not sure I can take another 100% pure light--sider through the story again. I've already done it on 3 characters. Koth's OK but he's no Theron and being "stuck" with Theron or Lana at the end of Chapter IX doesn't exactly feel like a punishment.


Not gonna lie though. Being rejected by that guy when I wasn't that into him stung a little :D

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  • 1 year later...
There really is no Koth romance. He's just not in the story very much so no opportunity. I'm kinda upset that you can't reverse it. The decision is made so early in the story and my smuggler chose him but now just wants to kick him in the head most of the time. Waiting for Corso to come back and maybe I can start up with him so Koth will go away then maybe I get a chance to get farm boy killed off..lol
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My Sorceress flirted with koth during the beginning chapters but she also did thing Koth didn't like so yea when I got to Chapter 9 and the flirt option, I actually giggled when koth made a big scene when I took the flirt option to talk to one of them. Already decided I was going to try Theron on my sorceress but it was funny to see Koth's reaction.


Now on my smuggler I started a romance with koth and the last expansion was cute with some of his lines but after the chapter where some had a choice to kill him all interaction stopped so I am guessing bioware thought everyone was going to kill him or something since then nothing with Koth.

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For anyone else wondering:


After about 10 times now through KOTFE with different characters, I've figure out that there are three decisions you can make in Chapters 1-9 that Koth actually cares about.



  • The reactor - you have to shut it down.
  • The refugees - you have to help them.
  • The Heralds - you have to take him instead of Senya.


To prevent him from actually walking out in the cantina, you need to do at least 2 of these 3 things. None of them is more important than the others.

Edited by ForjKlahaa
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