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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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The longer a MMORPG is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a MMORPG has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with MMORPGs. Problems WILL happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like Perfect World and WoW go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, Bioware WILL give you the time back in either subscription hours or Cartel Coins. Early Access and Full Access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled NOW, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.

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redneck actually go back to the 1930's a disputes in West Virginia. A large group of unionized miners marched south , to pressure the mine owners there to allow their miners to become unionized. To identify themselves, the miners all wore red bandannas around their necks. Publicity with the battles and court cases created the term red-necks, and at that time they were viewed as the good guys in the conflict.


Thanks for clearing that unfortunate turn of events for those men campaign for there rights up.


How ever the term like most slurs is a bastardisation of that term and has now come to be linked with poorly educated raciest.


Which is a sad fall from those men who did the right thing for the right reasons.


To be honest I think people need to stop trolling each other and look at the issue at hand.


People have paid money to professional business people all of whom are qualified in there field of expertise one would assume.


They have paid for a service.

Not received it.

Now all those saying its computers its hard.


Go to a lawyer or a doctor and have them do it wrong and see if your so understanding.


No you wont be but the law is hard and medicine is harder still


I know that a game subscription is not as important as those examples but none the less service is payed for where is it?


If this was the first time I would be on board saying ok its a **** up it happens but this isn't the first time.


So again I ask why should we put up with this Eric why should we pay your wages when you constantly fail to deliver on time and even when your late it wont work.


I know its not actually Eric's fault but he's the face he gets the bucks so he gets the complaints.

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The longer a MMORPG is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a MMORPG has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with MMORPGs. Problems WILL happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like Perfect World and WoW go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, Bioware WILL give you the time back in either subscription hours or Cartel Coins. Early Access and Full Access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled NOW, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.


This again.

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I was wondering why everybody was here - No problem.... Party at my house! Everybody's invited - I'm 2 minutes from a huge liquor store lol. Got plenty of steaks and burgers!


what's the address for the party? huge celebration/group gaming once the servers are back 👍🏿

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The longer a MMORPG is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a MMORPG has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with MMORPGs. Problems WILL happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like Perfect World and WoW go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, Bioware WILL give you the time back in either subscription hours or Cartel Coins. Early Access and Full Access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled NOW, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.


According to this logic, in the next couple of years, a patch should take from summer till Christmas?

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the longer a mmorpg is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a mmorpg has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with mmorpgs. Problems will happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like perfect world and wow go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, bioware will give you the time back in either subscription hours or cartel coins. Early access and full access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled now, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.



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Its not as if very many if any of you got a sub just so that you could get early access. so that being said be glad that they were even trying to give it to you. they could have just as easily made it game wide from word go. for those of you crying about the "value of the time that you have lost due to this." stop and imagine the amount that the game is losing because of it.


get some perspective and chill


it doesn't matter why someone subscribed. they linked the 2 days early access WITH the subscription. that's the point. i can wait, sure. i am used to it. a lot of games played, a lot of patch days, so i know something can go wrong, but if somebody rants about it... well, i can understand that in a way.

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If this keeps up this game dies within months. A lot of people left the game already because it's getting boring and tedious. Add to that bad customer service. There is only so much people will take when they are a paying customer you have a company on the brink of self destructing. Look at the mass exodus of hard core raiders. They all left. People that say true fans won't leave the game are under the misconstrued impression that swtor and starwars are synonymous! Oh but they expect to get paid on time but we can't expect a game that is functional and operational which is what we paid for.
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Thanks for clearing that unfortunate turn of events for those men campaign for there rights up.


How ever the term like most slurs is a bastardisation of that term and has now come to be linked with poorly educated raciest.


Which is a sad fall from those men who did the right thing for the right reasons.


To be honest I think people need to stop trolling each other and look at the issue at hand.


People have paid money to professional business people all of whom are qualified in there field of expertise one would assume.


They have paid for a service.

Not received it.

Now all those saying its computers its hard.


Go to a lawyer or a doctor and have them do it wrong and see if your so understanding.


No you wont be but the law is hard and medicine is harder still


I know that a game subscription is not as important as those examples but none the less service is payed for where is it?


If this was the first time I would be on board saying ok its a **** up it happens but this isn't the first time.


So again I ask why should we put up with this Eric why should we pay your wages when you constantly fail to deliver on time and even when your late it wont work.


I know its not actually Eric's fault but he's the face he gets the bucks so he gets the complaints.



You know you can stop giving EA your money any time you want right? You choose to subscribe to this game and have continued to subscribe after the many times that issues have happened.

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