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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




Might as well delay it till the actual release.

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He is telling us that he has not a ton of information... im not sure if im to dumb to get it but i havent seen ANY information,regarding the "Problems"


Not judging (DREDD),but,seriously,this is not okay. Feeling like Bioware is just trolling..



the only information so far is that the problem was with an unfinished mission being put on the live server. that's it. no ETA on how long it'l take whatsoever. starting to it'l be down for a day at this rate.

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Hey everyone!


We will be taking the servers offline on February 9th in order to apply Game Update 4.1. The website will also be unavailable during this time.



DATE: Tuesday, February 9th 2016




Patch Notes will be available on Monday, February 8th.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!

You put out lots of codes..

How about those that work...

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You must go through lots of games, ISP's etc, if you complain every single time and move to another.. If you can do better, then please, do so. Otherwise accept that things happen. Your life is not at risk, just your time....
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Early access is a lie, there is only maintenance.

with maintenance, I gain patch time

With patch time, I gain bugs.

With Bugs I gain Hotfixes

Through hotfixes my chains are broken.

Developers shall set me free.





So, as someone who has done many server upgrades and code migrations to production, I know it's not always an easy process, UNLESS, there is sufficient testing before migration from test env, and that it's a proper test environment in the first place. This includes a mirrored environment of production data.. I am guessing that these problems are due to the business heads not wanting to allocate enough $$$ for setting up an appropriate test environment, which means purchasing servers and hiring enough people to properly test. As long as they don't start losing enough subscribers (500 or more I'm guessing) due to failed migrations of code, this will continue to be the process.

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




So many patches, so much maintenance time....AND YOU GUYS STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE HANG OF IT? I'm starting to think everyone that is part of the dev team is just a freakin monkey and they're all holding Musco captive.


I have lost an entire day of early access due to this and at this point, I'm more dissapointed than mad. I just want to play the damn game :(

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alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately i don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that i have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!



season seven?????


season seven?????


season seven?????


season seven?????

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Just wondering, anybody else getting the error with downloading the patch? Or have you all been able to download it and just not able to log into the servers due to them being down?


just look at the other threads in general... there are at least two that are about that. i just waited it out. it eventually finished for me.

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