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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




hmm more waiting

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




while u guys are at it 100% 224 on all nim bosses, u got the chance to modify that single line in the code now.

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




I get the feeling you guys are just huddled up in a room laughing your butts off over the addict-rage.


Do me a favor and teach these pubs how to properly tank and we'll call it even.

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Ah the classic "There are children starving in africa so you shouldn't complain" argument. It's funny how the only place these kind of things are acceptable is in the video game industry. Anywhere else if a service you pay for is disrupted (especially if its for a day or longer) you're usually compensated or at least given a proper apology.


My internet went down for a few hours the other day and the ISP gave me a free week in return. They didn't do it because I nor they felt I was entitled to it, they did it because they value their customers. I think Bioware and EA have a lot to learn in that regard.

Yeah! I'll drink to that... matter of fact, let's buy that guy (or girl) a round - on the house!!!!

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




At what point does bioware start offering compensation for paying customers?

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Ah the classic "There are children starving in africa so you shouldn't complain" argument. It's funny how the only place these kind of things are acceptable is in the video game industry. Anywhere else if a service you pay for is disrupted (especially if its for a day or longer) you're usually compensated or at least given a proper apology.


My internet went down for a few hours the other day and the ISP gave me a free week in return. They didn't do it because I nor they felt I was entitled to it, they did it because they value their customers. I think Bioware and EA have a lot to learn in that regard.



Perhaps you should include the quote I replied to. Which had nothing to do with getting money back or anything out of this mess. Tbh, I agree that everyone who was subbed for early access should get something out of it, as we're not exactly having early access now are we. I work as an application designer and if I messed up like this, I would expect to give my customers something extra.


A few hours of waiting compared to launches of expansion packs going completely down the gutter is what I aimed at.

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:mad::tranWell this is awesome!!!!!While you are fixing the problems MAKE IT SO WE KEEP OUR LEVELS INSTEAD OF GOING TO BE NERFED ON EACH PLANET THAT IS A ANNOYING AFTER ALL THE HARD WORK GOING INTO OUR CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE AND TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




Thats about as helpful as anything else thats been said in these updates, no chance of getting updates sooner?

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Wish you guys(Bioware) would just rollback the server while you come up with patch fixes on your test servers.


It's hard to believe any company would consider 12+ hours of downtime acceptable at every update.


Guessing you guys are working with very limited IT budgets.

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He is telling us that he has not a ton of information... im not sure if im not smart enough to get it but i havent seen ANY information,regarding the "Problems"


Not judging (DREDD),but,seriously,this is not okay. Feeling like Bioware is just trolling..

Edited by RougeXD
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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




Sigh, time to wrap it up my European friends. Just go to sleep, this dead horse isn't getting up any time soon. At least if something else goes wrong it'll hopefully be fixed by the time we get up.


I would have thought the previous patch mess ups would have resulted in actual testing on test servers to avoid this, but eh.


Night my lovelies.

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