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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Meanwhile, somewhere else in this forum, devteam plays trivia to compensate downtime ._.


Could be wrong, but I don't think Eric is on the dev team. He's the community manager. He is basically the face that everyone punches when something goes wrong. It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

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Alliance Alert Mission is the cause.


The “A Kindly Old Monster” Alliance Alert Mission no longer requires completion of the “Stalking the Score” Alliance Alert Mission. It now requires the completion of Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter IX: The Alliance, and the “To Find a Findsman” Alliance Alert Mission.



this was brilliant.


you let god knows how many people do this mission and now you want to change things in KOTFE?


And it's probably the reason why MAINTENANCE is still going on.




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Kids these days are so cute, god help them if they were around during the days of star wars galaxies, the servers went down daily and might not be back up for a week or 2 after patches.


what did we get for our trouble?


nothing, not even a response from SOE, their customer service was non-existent, it was just a daily task of checking the forums and seeing if you could log in.

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Does this also fix the issue with Courting-type companion gifts? It's not exactly clear on that and there is no other mention in the patch notes., or is that fix scheduled for 4.2?


Stop, does it mean that I should have get a letter from LS Jaesa when I`ve chosen to make a child with her?

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so um... anyone here ever have your power go out? cable? phone? ... things happen... people make mistakes... lots of people working on it... try to breathe... I've been playing since beta... on lots of games... not one stays up 24/7. Learn to relax a little.


Wow........... and you still like it????? I was beta too. Took 8 months off and just came back and imagine my surprise. This isn't the same game I bought. This isn't the same game I tested. This is just a cheap knockoff that looks similar. Made the mistake of upping my sub and boy am I regretting it. This is the last time I play. Just trying to get my moneys worth before cleansing my computer of this stink. Glad you like it though. Wish I did.

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It seems that there have been a lot of issues with your third party. Apparently this is somehow coupled to the updates. Has Bioware determined another third party or possibly internal development that can make these updates smaller, faster, and less troublesome? It seems to me that a consistent issue with a service provider should be addressed by finding another service provider.


Either way, it would be very helpful for us to have some more detailed understanding of what is being done to resolve the issues. It seems that updates to SWTOR have been problematic since launch.

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Wow, so that makes up for all the things already broken in the game for years, broken customer service, and never getting a patch right... Oh, I see! LOL Seriously?! Those are the sorts of things that are EXPECTED in any game, in one form or another! I get those kinds of things in free games I play!


Kinda makes YOU look like the idiot for continuing to give them your money while knowing that stuff.

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and being part of the problem!!! This is the problem, they give it to you hard, and you just smile. That's why they are laughing at us.


Such drama. I guarantee they are not laughing at us. They are too busy sorting the issues. As for the rest, who's gnashing their teeth, all upset and ranting and who's figuring they'll get it sorted and those of us with teeth left will carry on enjoying the game.

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Kids these days are so cute, god help them if they were around during the days of star wars galaxies, the servers went down daily and might not be back up for a week or 2 after patches.


what did we get for our trouble?


nothing, not even a response from SOE, their customer service was non-existent, it was just a daily task of checking the forums and seeing if you could log in.


man i miss that game my Kimolgia was the size of the mos eisley cantina....

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My husband sent them a note making this very request the LAST time there was extensive server downtime. Do you know what their response was? "We don't do that."


When your customer pays for a service on a monthly, bi-month, quarterly or yearly basis, they are paying for the service to be there. If you cannot provide the service, you provide compensation. Apparently, SWTOR doesn't believe that this is the appropriate way to keep customers.


Wow.. lol, and i do see their part of it as well, I'm not mad or raging.. just asking/suggesting.. (for those that think i have a high opinion of myself).. shhesh.. I read the terms.. so what?.. if they don't want raging/complaints like on this forum, then they should give themselves more than enough time to implement the patch, check it, then re-check it.. then say we are good to go.

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Maybe next time the early access hype should just say *possible* early access, but maybe a day of not being able to play at all...


Also, went to see my sub status and now it says this:

"You have 3 days of subscription play time remaining.


Your account will move to Free-to-Play status if you cancel your subscription and your paid game time runs out."


I thought it should go preferred???? Now I really feel like missing a whole day worth of playing with full sub benefits, I don't have money on my card to sub again before next month :(

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Will the people that subbed get compensated? 9 Hours were put into this patch and a waste of peoples time.


You are funny. Compensation? what $0.50 or so? Who determines what it is? if you let players decide we all would be getting free mounts, cartel coins, tokens and a month sub time and more. What if you were one of the people that actually worked during the day and wasn't even playing anyways? Do they get compensated for working during the day? How does it get managed? Ever think of the ramifications? Paying out a small amount of money even in credits to a HUGE player base does not make sense from a business model. Only if it was something truly broken and affected the playing experience more than having people wait. Yes we have to wait. Read the agreements you signed when you agreed to play this game. Yes we are paying for the game but that doesn't give us carte blanche to demand anything we want.


Once they open the door for compensation it is impossible to close and sets the bar. Anytime a problem happens the greedy players will start whining "I want compensation because you gave it last time".. and for what? It will be something trivial most likely. Forums will get all crazy again with people demanding credits and such because the precedent was set. Lets not go down this path.


What about the f2p (free to play) people that can't even log onto the game and play without the non-patch content? Or the subs who are not eligible for the new content till later this week? Is the free to play people to get compensated as well? See my point? We are all in the same boat but you don't see free to play people whining on the forums about this.


Yes we have to wait. Deal with it.

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New Mission: Evtil Rebel Coders


The Republic outsourced the programming of a DLC and developed it by non empirial standards. As a sith you've to fight your anger and be patient to beat the Republic out of Serverfarm 1. ARE YOU THE SITH THE EMPIRE NEEDS TO WIN THIS FIGHT? For the Glory of the Sith-Empire...




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