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Mirial in Imperial territory?


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So obviously, Mirialans are a Republic species (at least originally). However, if you look at the map of the galaxy (for example this one), you can see that the planet Mirial (border of squares P4-Q4 on the map) is right next to the Imperial core (Korriban and Ziost, square Q5 on the map).


So is there any way Mirial is still part of the Republic? You'd think it would be one of the first to fall when the Sith attacked, during or shortly after the Tingel Arm campaign. Is Mirial occupied by the Empire and are player Mirialans refugees? Wookieepedia sheds no light on the issue (other than saying that Mirial did briefly join the Empire during the Jedi Civil War). I was wondering if there's any official word on the matter, or whether people here have some ideas.

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Well the problem with the map is that its not accurate for example the sector where Mirial is has thousands upon thousands of planets and lets think this clear the imperial military lost 1/5 of its forces in trying to take out Corelia. They really can not afford to take all planets they know about. Its to expensive.

They can convince them to join them by a show of force but unless they are are strategically important they will not conquer it by force. So most I am pretty sure its not.

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