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Twi'lik hoods


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Hello dear reader (and potential helper),

I'm writing this to you concerning an issue with the playable race the Twi'lik as I have currently made one to play an assassin,

While casualing looking through the cartel market I decided to have a look at what the Eradicators clothing would look like on my Twi'lik and by my surprise the hood

doesn't appear when you are a Twi'lik and so I thought to myfself this makes sense with those tentacle things coming out the back of their heads so then I

decided to have a look at what the Eradicators helmet would look like on my Twi'lik and by my surprise (again) it somehow fitted without even having the tentacles

showing or anything so then I tried that helmot with the Eradicators cloak and weirdly enough the hood still wouldn't go on, now if a Twi'lik can manage to ram their

tentacle things into that small helmet why can't they tuck them in the cloak and wear the hood? or even wear the hood while they have already somehow managed to shove

their tentacle things in a helmot?

Can they just fall off like some lizards tails can and just regrow back? so many questions, but can you please answer why you can't wear a hood on a

Twi'lik but you can wear a small helmet like that? Thankyou very much :D

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One thing first, Twileks have 'lekku' that's where the name comes from 'TWIn LEKku'S'. these are not tails. They are part of their metabolism.


The reason why a helmet covers it all, is because it also hides hair on other races. Some helmetsdon't hide the lekku's. As for that set you are describing, it's probably much more fun to avoid the static sets and create your own set in one of the costume tabs. It can be any rareity or level or grade (light/medium/heavy/adaptive) and it can be real fun. The Darth Bane helmet looks good on twileks for example. Other unconventional helmets will work too, it's partly a matter of taste ofcourse. As for Twileks and Assassins. Most people say a double lightsaber and lekku's isn't a good match.


So it's 'lekku' not a tail!

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They (BW) disabled hoods for twi'leks because of clipping issues (the lekku would just poke out the back), and they (BW) never put in "over the chest" lekku placement. Guess SOE had the copyright on that or they couldn't be bothered with it. Edited by PorsaLindahl
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