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Battle Royal between all companions.


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So lets say like this all companions before KOTFE in a battle against each other. Who would be the final victor of such a battle?

Lets say there all in a big arena and they start fighting there can only be one winner. Death or making them unconscious brings you victory. Who will be the final winner how do you think the fight will go?

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How do you think the battle will be?

Tough to say really, I think the combatants like Mako, Vette and Blizz will be the first to get eliminated. Following that I'd say comps like Bowdarr, Skadge and Tanno Vik would bite the dust. This is where variables start to come into play as you've got wildcards like Kaliyo, SCORPIO and Lokin, you've got elite soldiers like Jorgan, Akaavi, Pierce and Rusk and then you've got the Force Sensitives. The most dangerous in the competition are the Force users, especially the Dark siders, and M1-4X. Forex is deadly due to his fire power and powerful shields. As for the Force users, they can deflect blaster bolts, use TK, amplify their speed etc.


The reason I say Scourge is likely to come out on top is due to him having 300 years of experience, fighting Dark Council members, Jedi Masters and groups of traitors. We've also seen how easily he can choke multiple groups of people, an ability that would be very useful here. He also outclasses the other Force users as a duelist, being (IIRC) an expert practitioner of Juyo, Soresu and Ataru. I just don't see how anyone is going to take him down.

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Tough to say really, I think the combatants like Mako, Vette and Blizz will be the first to get eliminated. Following that I'd say comps like Bowdarr, Skadge and Tanno Vik would bite the dust. This is where variables start to come into play as you've got wildcards like Kaliyo, SCORPIO and Lokin, you've got elite soldiers like Jorgan, Akaavi, Pierce and Rusk and then you've got the Force Sensitives. The most dangerous in the competition are the Force users, especially the Dark siders, and M1-4X. Forex is deadly due to his fire power and powerful shields. As for the Force users, they can deflect blaster bolts, use TK, amplify their speed etc.


The reason I say Scourge is likely to come out on top is due to him having 300 years of experience, fighting Dark Council members, Jedi Masters and groups of traitors. We've also seen how easily he can choke multiple groups of people, an ability that would be very useful here. He also outclasses the other Force users as a duelist, being (IIRC) an expert practitioner of Juyo, Soresu and Ataru. I just don't see how anyone is going to take him down.


Why are Kaliyo, and Lokin wildcards I get why SCORPIO is she she is hard to detect and very very brilliant. Can Lokin transform in a rackghoul?

But yes Scourge is good he might have problem with Khem Val and his force immunity and superior strength assuming he is at full power but his lightsaber saber skills are gonna be enough to defeat him. Actually I think Khem will go directly for Scourge as he sees a good meal there. The fight might take a while but in the end Scourge will win.

Now M1-4X is a also a problem because of his fire power and the shields it will be hard but with the TK you can turn his rockets against him and finish his shield then go for him and finish him.

The problem is SCORPIO she might surprise Scourge and even kill him she is known for being impossible to detect.

Now the other force users well none have any real chance against him but they might put a good fight. I think Nadia will fell first as she lacks experience in lightsaber combat and even in using her for abilities but when she uses them she there quite powerful. The Kira and Willson both are at the same level more or less but Kira had the advantage of training with Scourge so the familiarity might give her a edge in resisting longer but in the end Scourge will win. The there is the Togruta jedi probably the best after Scourge in lightsaber combat the problem is its after Scourge. Then comes Xalek because he has training in other form of melee fighting thanks to his origins he might give Scourge some pause but in the end his lightsaber skills are superior.

But only Khem or SCORPIO can really put up a fight.

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Why are Kaliyo, and Lokin wildcards I get why SCORPIO is she she is hard to detect and very very brilliant. Can Lokin transform in a rackghoul?

But yes Scourge is good he might have problem with Khem Val and his force immunity and superior strength assuming he is at full power but his lightsaber saber skills are gonna be enough to defeat him. Actually I think Khem will go directly for Scourge as he sees a good meal there. The fight might take a while but in the end Scourge will win.

Now M1-4X is a also a problem because of his fire power and the shields it will be hard but with the TK you can turn his rockets against him and finish his shield then go for him and finish him.

The problem is SCORPIO she might surprise Scourge and even kill him she is known for being impossible to detect.

Now the other force users well none have any real chance against him but they might put a good fight. I think Nadia will fell first as she lacks experience in lightsaber combat and even in using her for abilities but when she uses them she there quite powerful. The Kira and Willson both are at the same level more or less but Kira had the advantage of training with Scourge so the familiarity might give her a edge in resisting longer but in the end Scourge will win. The there is the Togruta jedi probably the best after Scourge in lightsaber combat the problem is its after Scourge. Then comes Xalek because he has training in other form of melee fighting thanks to his origins he might give Scourge some pause but in the end his lightsaber skills are superior.

But only Khem or SCORPIO can really put up a fight.

I view Kaliyo as a wildcard because I can't decide what approach she'd take, whether she would shoot from a distance or enter close range. As for Lokin, it depends if he starts in Rahkghoul form or not as (IIRC) he was resistant to blaster fire whilst in that state meaning he could tear a lot of people to shreds. I don't think SCORPIO could kill Scourge tbh, all it takes is one Force Crush and she's history, and that's assuming no one else kills her. I agree with you that Forex could be taken out quickly by the Force users and I also agree with you in your ranking of the Force users. As for Khem, I'm not sure. If he tries to charge Scourge, I see Scourge killing him due to Khem not being lightsaber resistant.


There's something that I overlooked about Scourge as well; he could potentially be MEGA amped. We know that Scourge is gifted with the ability to bolster himself by feeding upon the negative emotions around him and there are lots of enemies that will be filled with rage, fear and anger. He's also overcome his shortcomings against droids too, so he doesn't really have any weaknesses in this fight.

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How do rackghouls do against lightsabers do lightsabers cut trough them easy?

Not too sure, I would think it affects them like any regular being. Saying that, RahkLokin looked like a super Rahkghoul so he may be slightly resistant given his showing against blaster bolts. Just to be clear, when I said that RahkLokin would tear some people to shreds, I meant non-Force Sensitives. If he attacked someone like Scourge or DS Jaessa he'd get impaled, TK'd or choked.


This is a great thread btw.

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As for Khem, I'm not sure. If he tries to charge Scourge, I see Scourge killing him due to Khem not being lightsaber resistant.


Let m... let me 'correct' this. No, I am not saying he is lightsaber immune, but the other bit...


"Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past.


Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin. After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear.


Although once pledged to a life of service, with his original master gone, it is uncertain where Khem Val's true loyalties now lie. A near-perfect killing machine, he could prove a valuable weapon for anyone willing to take him on... though he is a weapon that can cut both ways."


This is of course JUST the codex that speaks of him. I would go into his abilities, but, well... 4.0 kinda made that null...


So, I will skip to the basics of being a Dashade.


"Dashade were tall reptilians with dark skin, lamprey-like mouths, and powerful claws. In addition to their partial Force-resistance, they were resistant to radiation. They also had an ability to dissipate heat which made them hard to detect using standard life-form sensors."


Now, onto some of Khem Val's achievements, with some quotes from the wiki for ease of checking.


"I am not a monster. I am Khem Val, servant of Tulak Hord, devourer of the rebels at Yn and Chabosh, consumer of the Dromund system. And I am hungry."

―Khem Val


"Khem Val devoured over a thousand Jedi at Yn and the Battle of Chabosh."


"However centuries passed and the story of Khem Val became a mere legend. Tulak Hord had suspended Khem within a stasis field inside the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban guarded by a field of electrical energy for safekeeping, where even the most powerful Sith Lords would not try to free him. Khem had remained for in this state for thousands of years."


"Khem Val lived up to his nicknames by consuming the essences of his slain enemies, rejuvenating his health."


Now, I won't go much farther since, over all, I just want to make sure Khem Val isn't underestimated merely because Scourge has a measly 3 centuries under his belt. Force User kills... they are likely around the same, if not Khem actually having more. In a much shorter time, no less.


Nor, do I theorize, Khem Val was not unconscious while he was in stasis. When the SI first meets Khem Val, he doesn't release him from stasis, he doesn't wake him, he merely walks forward. Khem Val, then greets him and we all know what happens there. What I mean, is that with his body being preserved, he could very well of been cognitively awake during his slumber, nor was he held against his will. Heck, he breaks the stasis in less than a second when he feels like leaving.


Khem Val is older, more experienced, resistant to the force, brutal, and physically a monster in strength. He has all of the tools he requires to face Scourge.


One last thing. This is no duel. This is an all out brawl, and Scourge, I am unsure how many large scale battles he has participated in. Khem however... Has participated in multiple against other force users. Before someone says that it was only Jedi... Go back to the quote about the Dromund system. 'Rebels'. Yet, Tulak Hord is a Sith Lord... While a bit of a assumption, I would wager he faced a number of Sith while quelling that rebellion.


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I do have to point out something about Khem he was active at a time when lightsabers did not exist how does that matter well during his time there where swords imbued with the force as he was immune to the force basically on him there where just normal swords yes normal swords do cut and make you bleed but they have nowhere the cutting power of a lighsaber. The technological advantage could change the odds.
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I do have to point out something about Khem he was active at a time when lightsabers did not exist how does that matter well during his time there where swords imbued with the force as he was immune to the force basically on him there where just normal swords yes normal swords do cut and make you bleed but they have nowhere the cutting power of a lighsaber. The technological advantage could change the odds.


Perhaps. However, he does seem quite capable during the scenes he is in throughout the 1-50. Also, there being no sabers in that time period, is incorrect.


Case in point: Kalligs Lightsaber


Kallig was a rival of Tulak Hord, and the ancestor of the SI. Something to note, is that it wasn't a proto-saber either, but that could merely be due to game mechanics.


Side Note: This is also disproven by the use of Sith Swords. Which due to sith Alchemy, have similar cutting power to lightsabers if I am remembering correctly, but had the weight of their metal, and one or two other pro's/con's which are eluding me right now...

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Perhaps. However, he does seem quite capable during the scenes he is in throughout the 1-50. Also, there being no sabers in that time period, is incorrect.


Case in point: Kalligs Lightsaber


Kallig was a rival of Tulak Hord, and the ancestor of the SI. Something to note, is that it wasn't a proto-saber either, but that could merely be due to game mechanics.


Side Note: This is also disproven by the use of Sith Swords. Which due to sith Alchemy, have similar cutting power to lightsabers if I am remembering correctly, but had the weight of their metal, and one or two other pro's/con's which are eluding me right now...


Yes the sith did have lightsabers but it was not wildly used most used sith swords and the jedi did not even used lightsaber but proto-sabers and swords. Also the proto-sabers had some issues like the lack of mobility and the power cord. I think lightsabers where used by very few and doubt that Khem meet anyone in combat who used one.

Probably only powerful sith lords like Kallig used lightsabers but look like this a few thousands years later in the Hyperspace War most sith used Sith Swords and there not very durable they break lightsabers do not. And from what I understand you have to imbue it with the force for it to be as strong as lightsaber and as you said it was still heavier. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_sword

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Yes the sith did have lightsabers but it was not wildly used most used sith swords and the jedi did not even used lightsaber but proto-sabers and swords. Also the proto-sabers had some issues like the lack of mobility and the power cord. I think lightsabers where used by very few and doubt that Khem meet anyone in combat who used one.

Probably only powerful sith lords like Kallig used lightsabers but look like this a few thousands years later in the Hyperspace War most sith used Sith Swords and there not very durable they break lightsabers do not. And from what I understand you have to imbue it with the force for it to be as strong as lightsaber and as you said it was still heavier. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_sword


Except that goes against what we know of lightsabers and such. It was... very slow to evolve unless I am mis-interpretting what I read ages ago... The Proto-saber replaced the blades over time, and eventually then the lightsaber as we know it replaced the proto-sabers. In regards to swords vs sabers, they very much could of used both at the same time, but not lightsabers and proto-sabers. It is like using a regular knife when you could use a vibroblade, with less materials. As for the proto-sabers 'weaknesses' that has nothing to do with the part we are talking about silly. :D We are talking about the cutting effectiveness and how Khem might be effected vs a modern lightsaber. Suffice to say, if there were any lightsabers (let alone we know Tulak and Kallig had some) then he would, potentially, know what they can do. I mean, fighting side by side a wielder of one should be enough. :cool:


That said, when it comes to wounding organic things, Sith Swords, Jedi Katana's, and their ilk did just fine. I must prepare to head out, so just going to add some quick quotes to end this.


Sith Sword:


"But perhaps most significantly, the weapon served as a focus for the dark energies of its wielder, amplifying their power and refining their control until they became a walking nexus of dark side power. "


"The blade would attract and absorb the energy, storing it like an electric capacitor until the blade made contact with a substantial physical object, whereupon the amplified electrical energy was discharged— to an extremely devastating effect."


Force Imbued Blade:


"Force-imbued blades were solid metal blades that required no power source, and that glowed with the power of the Force coursing through them. This glow could manifest itself in multiple ways, ranging from lightning like striations,[9] a discoloration of the blade,[10] a fire like manifestation,[11] or not at all. Imbued with the Force, the blades were preternaturally strong and sharp, being capable of cutting effortlessly through most materials, with the exception of reinforced metals such as durasteel, which took more effort.[12] Force-imbued blades could damage and destroy dark side spirits."




The entire reasoning behind this tangent, was how Khem Val would hold up against a weapon that could cut through flesh as if it was a hot knife through butter. However, he has already had to deal with that, whether it was proto, lightsaber, or force-enhanced blades. In other words, he shouldn't miss a beat due to Lightsabers flashing to life.




One other thing I have been thinking about... Are these force-imbued weapons the reason that Ancient Force users were said to be so tremendously more powerful? Most times, a walking force nexus would be some of the top tier feat, yet it was a regular occurrence with Sith Swords... As well as those in the OR era being compared to 'Children with Toys' compared to the Ancient Sith...


Eh, that tangent is for another time, perhaps...

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I tought that since he was immune to the force sith swords could not be that effective against him because they will become normal swords for him since the force does not affect him. Or he is force resistant which will similar effects as it will not be as useful as against a not force resistant adversary. You get what I mean. Also I think jedi at that time still used swords mostly the proto sabers because of their limitations.

By the was not Tulak Horde using a sword a actual sword or a lightsaber?

A thing we did not take in to consideration is while he is strong against force users as their power do not affect Khem how well can he deal with non force users with blasters and rockets the huge droid has?

I remember Kreya saying that jedi without the force are quite helpless maybe it applies to most force users.

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A thing we did not take in to consideration is while he is strong against force users as their power do not affect Khem how well can he deal with non force users with blasters and rockets the huge droid has?


Now you see why I didn't merely declare Khem Val the winner. :d_evil:

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Now you see why I didn't merely declare Khem Val the winner. :d_evil:


Yeah I get it he is got weakness there also. I guess it depends on how the battle will unfold if a non force user finishes him or not. Yeah I might imagine that the one who manages to avoid most of the fighting has a bigger chance of victory and the rested one can fight the one left that is not as rested as you. I guess tactics matter a lot in such a battle. The Jawa might be more successful here because of his ability to go underground and his small size can make him be unnoticed.

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How big of an amp do you think Scourge will have? There's a lot of emotion to feed on.


I wanna answer that well lets put it like that a couple of them enjoy this so not a lot rage to feed of like Skadge, Torian, Garius, most of the troopers companions hell one does not even has emotions as he is a droid so well droids do not count. Xalek also enjoys violence so does a dark Jaessa I will say about half of them will not feed him.

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I wanna answer that well lets put it like that a couple of them enjoy this so not a lot rage to feed of like Skadge, Torian, Garius, most of the troopers companions hell one does not even has emotions as he is a droid so well droids do not count. Xalek also enjoys violence so does a dark Jaessa I will say about half of them will not feed him.




In regards to Scourge and his ability to amp...



The short answer: No limits Fallacy.


The Lazy answer: Any amp that Scourge gets from others emotions, it is likely the trained Dark Siders would receive similar amps, though not necessarily equal.


Longer Answer: The ability for a force user to grow stronger due to another beings emotions is not a rare ability. In fact, it is one of the low tier abilities of Dark Siders in general. That said, the effectiveness of said amp depends on a few variables, at least from what I have seen from its use thus far. Skill, Power, and Control. For example, Jerec, one who is not even considered by most for the top 15 most powerful force users (I ofc disagree, but that is a tangent) is able to very much utilize this ability whenever he deems fit. Heck, if I remember correctly, and it HAS been ages since I checked this specific one, Darth Sion also fed on others emotions in his battles. As did Malak. There are a few quips about it on Korriban in SWTOR as well. It is however, the strong Dark Siders who tend to be noted for this, not because they have the ability, but rather that it is effectively, well, more effective for them.


Darth Vader for example, while have great power from his own emotions, is masterful in his use of this ability to draw on the emotional state of those around him to augment his own martial abilities. He uses it with Dun Moch to further enhance its effectiveness. So while Scourge may have this boost, and it is rather nice, the other trained Dark Siders have it as well, but to a lesser extent. That is not to say, that they could have a infinity loop due to so many people and feeding off of each other.


In actuality, while this abilities does boost ones power while around such potent emotions... It is not as great of an amp as, well, most other buff/debuff like abilities. It is basically free power-cost wise, has nice range, and still gives them a bump so it is definitely worth while. However, sending 50 enraged knights a Scourge does not mean that he could feed off all 50 at once enough to be able to solo them. There is another issue with this power.


The key to Dark Side usage, is utilizing ones emotions, and in a way, this ability is merely an extension of this power that those trained in the dark side naturally find at one point or another. The more hate a Sith has, the stronger they can be, as we see in both the SE and SW Korriban stories. However, there is a limit to how much you can get amped by emotion and where you need your own power. If you would of been crushed by someone before the amp, no matter the number of people, it is likely you would still get crushed or at least defeated. If you and your opponent are near each other however, and only you have this ability or are more proficient with it, then that will give you an edge.


The DOWNSIDE of this ability... You must take in others emotions and have it strengthen you much like your own emotions would. Or in other words... Get too much power from anger/hatred, and you may not think too clearly in battle.


Anyways, that is enough of a rant about said ability...

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I would've agreed to that if you'd just posted the Jerec clip but the theory explanation was great too, saved me some time. :D


Confirmed: Pad is attracted to Jerec's tongue. /sarcasm(?)


Joke Aside... Something to remember is the sheer number of people in this fight.


44 people, all of which have combat experience to some extent, and have each done some nice stuff.


BH -

- Mako

- Gault

- Torian

- Blizz

- Skadge


IA -

- Kalyo

- Vector

- Lokin

- Temple



SW -

- Vette

- Quinn

- Jaessa

- Pierce

- Broonmark


SI -

- Khem Val

- Andronikas

- Ashara

- Talos

- Xalek


SM -

- Corso

- Bowdaar

- Risha

- Akaavi

- Guss


TR -

- Aric

- Elara

- M1-4X

- Vik

- Yuun


JK -

- T7

- Kira

- Doc

- Rusk

- Scourge


JC -

- Qyzen

- Tharan

- Zenith

- Iresso

- Nadia


Mixed -

- 2V-R8

- C2-N2

- HK-51

- Treek



The hardest part isn't if each character is of worth in a fight. It is how each one would effect said fight, which ones can adapt the best, which might ally themselves together... So. Many. VARIABLES!


Sure, there are a number that may do nothing of worth in a brawl, like Mako (no offense people) while others like Scourge, Khem Val, and Qyzen would both be hard targets. I mean, any of those 3 could be taken down due to multiple wounds from different opponents.


It is also good to look at who has experience in such things. Bowdaar, if I am not mixing up my wookies, spent quite a bit of time as a Gladiator and would have an edge in this sort of them.

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