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One change that could fix the Merc's Defense problems in PVP


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Ok so we all know Mercs have almost non-existent DCDs in pvp, once we are focused we go down very fast and we are usually the first to die in arenas. Well I may have a solution in regards to one ability that already exists but would have an additional effect. That ability is "Power Surge".


Power Surge was very helpful pre 3.0, allowing mercs to insta-cast Tracer Missile/Power Shot/Healing Scan. But once we got access to Priming Shot/Speed to Burn/Emergency Response, the need for Power Surge has dwindled. That is were my solution comes in.


Power Surge: "Within the next 15 seconds, your next ability with an activation time will activate instantly and grant immunity to pushback and interrupts for 6 seconds, or activating your next defensive ability will have its effects doubled."


In this sense, Power Surge can be used both offensively and defensively.

For example, while under the effects of Power surge these abilities would be affected:


Note: The duration of the skill in question is NOT doubled, only the effect.


Hydraulic Overrides: Increases the movement speed to 60% instead of 30%.


Chaff Flare:

(Bodyguard) - Doubles the threat reduced.

(Arsenal) - Grants 10 charges of decoy instead of 5.

(Innovative Ordnance) - Increases Defense chance by 70% instead of 35%.


Cure: Removes 4 Tech/Physical debuffs instead of 2.


Energy Shield: Increases damage reduction by 50% instead of 25%.


Kolto Overload: Heals at, and up to 80% health instead of 40%.


Of course with the addition of the Power Overrides utility this could be made OP, so it might be better to link these effects with that utility instead, or remove the second charge granted.


These are my opinions and open for discussion. What do you think? Too Strong? Too weak?

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Ok so we all know Mercs have almost non-existent DCDs in pvp, once we are focused we go down very fast and we are usually the first to die in arenas. Well I may have a solution in regards to one ability that already exists but would have an additional effect. That ability is "Power Surge".


Power Surge was very helpful pre 3.0, allowing mercs to insta-cast Tracer Missile/Power Shot/Healing Scan. But once we got access to Priming Shot/Speed to Burn/Emergency Response, the need for Power Surge has dwindled. That is were my solution comes in.


Power Surge: "Within the next 15 seconds, your next ability with an activation time will activate instantly and grant immunity to pushback and interrupts for 6 seconds, or activating your next defensive ability will have its effects doubled."


In this sense, Power Surge can be used both offensively and defensively.

For example, while under the effects of Power surge these abilities would be affected:


Note: The duration of the skill in question is NOT doubled, only the effect.


Hydraulic Overrides: Increases the movement speed to 60% instead of 30%.


Chaff Flare:

(Bodyguard) - Doubles the threat reduced.

(Arsenal) - Grants 10 charges of decoy instead of 5.

(Innovative Ordnance) - Increases Defense chance by 70% instead of 35%.


Cure: Removes 4 Tech/Physical debuffs instead of 2.


Energy Shield: Increases damage reduction by 50% instead of 25%.


Kolto Overload: Heals at, and up to 80% health instead of 40%.


Of course with the addition of the Power Overrides utility this could be made OP, so it might be better to link these effects with that utility instead, or remove the second charge granted.


These are my opinions and open for discussion. What do you think? Too Strong? Too weak?


I see no problem. None of these would be OP (especially considering other classes' DCDs)

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I love to play my merc in wzs and arenas. In my opinion the class is good as it is. It should be glass cannon but deadly. We actually need bigger dmg hits. More numbers. This will compensaye for the defensives. We can kite and do dmg exploit that.
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I love to play my merc in wzs and arenas. In my opinion the class is good as it is. It should be glass cannon but deadly. We actually need bigger dmg hits. More numbers. This will compensaye for the defensives. We can kite and do dmg exploit that.


25k heatseekers and 20k rail shots 2 weak :rolleyes:

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One possible defensive i thought of that would only really work for arsenal is an ability that either increases defensives or straight up absorbs a set amount of damage that can only be activated with 5 stacks of tracer lock. It will sacrifice damage, but given the class has so much burst potential it would be a good trade off imo. Edited by AndoEyrune
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One possible defensive i thought of that would only really work for arsenal is an ability that either increases defensives or straight up absorbs a set amount of damage that can only be activated with 5 stacks of tracer lock. It will sacrifice damage, but given the class has so much burst potential it would be a good trade off imo.


We have this. Our big heal is instant with 5 stacks and you have to choose either this or ral shot. It can crit as well wich in my opinion is better than absorb. Yes healing can be increased a little but anyways you have it as an option.


I dont know why ppl ask for defence buffs. What do you expect mercs to have? You have all instant abilities and you should be moving. No need for deff buff. Just POSITION right! Every dps class but tanks, juggs and assassin dies if focused by more than one dps. Ask operatives. Yes they have vanish but they are melee and mercs are ranged.

I dont see why you want buffs. All defensive buffs will result in dmg nerfs. And in the moment mercs are in a sweet spot. I love my merc and I will level one more just to have male and female toons.

Yes your suggestions are cool but we dont need them.

Lest count (1) carbinise (2) HO (3) Shield (4) jumping backwards (5) push back (6) instant small selheal (7) hot (8) big instant heal wich you can use to offheal when needed (9) a skill to make your big heal instant (10) second stunbreaker and (11) stun. 11 skills that can be used for self defence that can be rotated and can be used while kiting. Not to mention cleanse ability that we have. Why ask for more? Yes we have no immunes and vanish but enoug utilities to use to survive long enoug to be outhealed and saved. I forgot that we have flair that absorbs some skills. Plus stim. So 13 DCDs and you ask for more? Yes we are squishy to burst meta an die in a hardstun but that is ratber normal. Snipers have the same problems, operatives too

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We have this. Our big heal is instant with 5 stacks and you have to choose either this or ral shot. It can crit as well wich in my opinion is better than absorb. Yes healing can be increased a little but anyways you have it as an option.


I dont know why ppl ask for defence buffs. What do you expect mercs to have? You have all instant abilities and you should be moving. No need for deff buff. Just POSITION right! Every dps class but tanks, juggs and assassin dies if focused by more than one dps. Ask operatives. Yes they have vanish but they are melee and mercs are ranged.

I dont see why you want buffs. All defensive buffs will result in dmg nerfs. And in the moment mercs are in a sweet spot. I love my merc and I will level one more just to have male and female toons.

Yes your suggestions are cool but we dont need them.

Lest count (1) carbinise (2) HO (3) Shield (4) jumping backwards (5) push back (6) instant small selheal (7) hot (8) big instant heal wich you can use to offheal when needed (9) a skill to make your big heal instant (10) second stunbreaker and (11) stun. 11 skills that can be used for self defence that can be rotated and can be used while kiting. Not to mention cleanse ability that we have. Why ask for more? Yes we have no immunes and vanish but enoug utilities to use to survive long enoug to be outhealed and saved. I forgot that we have flair that absorbs some skills. Plus stim. So 13 DCDs and you ask for more? Yes we are squishy to burst meta an die in a hardstun but that is ratber normal. Snipers have the same problems, operatives too


Erm...no. (1)We dont have Carbonize, thats a PT skill. (2) HO is useless if we get stunned. PT version can also get an additional 45% speed and 10 sec cd reduction. (3) Same as HO, PT version is better with 3 sec more uptime and reduced cd. (4) Flimsy and difficult to aim with, easy to hit a wall and waste it, and cant be used when immobilized, reducing its use further. (5) Thats a plus. But every class has a gap closer so...(6) LOL u mean the dribble dart? That costs a GCD for ~1k heal? (7) If u mean Kolto Overload, again PT version can also break stuns while having a much shorter cooldown. (8) We lost that big heal with 4.0 for a smaller heal.(9) This one is a good one granted its actually useful. (10) Wait...wot? We only got 1. (11) Irrelevent. Every class has one.

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