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Some suggestions I'd like to see.


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Hi I've only been playing swtor a few months now, and I've never visited the forum before so forgive me if these suggestions have already been made.

1. I'd like to see an any class any weapon system implemented. I don't see any reason why bounty hunters can not use blaster rifles or sniper rifles and why troopers can't use blasters or sniper rifles and so on. I think many Sith Jugs would love to carry around with a dual saber even my sorcerer would love one.

2. Implementing a talent tree system that allows for players to customize their classes a bit more. Each level will give you a couple of skill points and a couple of weapon points that allow you to select powers from different trees. Want to be a force sensitive bounty hunter or force sensitive trooper? I think you could even have new story lines for Force sensitive characters that escaped going to Korriban or Tython. I just like the idea of having a bit more variety in the classes.


That's all I really have and I hope people like these ideas and could add to them.

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Hi I've only been playing swtor a few months now, and I've never visited the forum before so forgive me if these suggestions have already been made.

1. I'd like to see an any class any weapon system implemented. I don't see any reason why bounty hunters can not use blaster rifles or sniper rifles and why troopers can't use blasters or sniper rifles and so on. I think many Sith Jugs would love to carry around with a dual saber even my sorcerer would love one.

2. Implementing a talent tree system that allows for players to customize their classes a bit more. Each level will give you a couple of skill points and a couple of weapon points that allow you to select powers from different trees. Want to be a force sensitive bounty hunter or force sensitive trooper? I think you could even have new story lines for Force sensitive characters that escaped going to Korriban or Tython. I just like the idea of having a bit more variety in the classes.


That's all I really have and I hope people like these ideas and could add to them.

1. Troopers *can* use blaster rifles. Commandos do better with the HBG, but even they can use blaster rifles. If "Blasters" means pistols, no thanks.


2. When 3.0 came out, they dropped trees in favour of Disciplines, so the chances of going back are closer to zero than pretty much anything you care to name.


2. New storylines like you describe (especially for beginning characters) are likewise extremely unlikely, partly because they would be what amounts to new classes, and BW/EA have long since said that there's no point asking for new classes, it isn't going to happen.

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