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Light side dark side options not showing properly


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Hello my name is chris.


So today i decided to take my sith warrior into the new knights of the fallen empire content and something odd started to become apparent to me. I was not being giving actual light/ dark side options. Now i have played the entire story line on a bounty hunter on a different server so i think this is why it caught my attention.


Like for an example on the starting mission in chapter 1 the hunt. the choice to have your class ship and crew to defend Darth marrs ship, or flee. Which on my first play-through (and you-tube videos) should be a light/ dark side choice. the choices are there but the whole light side or dark side indicators are not showing.


So i thought maybe this was just this toon, and i changed servers and toons to a jedi sentinel i have on a different server.

He is a fresh boosted to 60 toon not a toon ive been playing for a while like my sith warrior is. And the same scene did not offer light side or dark-side alignment.


Now i cannot find any information that you guys have made any recent quick patches to make these changes and i wanted to know if i was the only one getting this issue and at least bring it to your guys attention.

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