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[BUG] Unable to load a character, tickets are ignored!


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At 10th, January, the main character of mine, Daana of Ebon Hawk server, became unable to load. First, she was at the guild stronghold (aka HQ) and qeued for starfighter several times, teleported to battlefield from HQ and back again. Second, she moved to the guild flagship, then back to HQ and quit the game. Next day I tried to log-in but loading process continued for ages and never allowed to play. The game shows two splash screens (one wuth short summary of current chapter, another with screen of Dromund Kaas stronghold) then blackness. I asked the guild leader to kick her from the guild hopyng Daana would move to the Imperial Fleet but it didn't worked - she's still stucked at Dromund Kaas stronghold. Other characters work well. I sent tickets in-game several times but still no answer .:mad:
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