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KotFE beginning *spoilers included*


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I am very disappointed in the beginning of kotfe.


Lana is pushed on you to an extreme. My Trooper was 100% gung ho republic and smacked her down at every opportunity in SoR and on Ziost, but she's still all "it's good to see you... " seriously?


There should have been at least 3 openings. No romance (or you skipped SoR) you should be rescued by Lana if imperial or Theron if republic. If you romanced either during SoR, your LI should rescue you. With references to the romance, if appropriate. I guess that's actually more than 3.


It just felt weird having Lana moon all over me when I treated her like an enemy in SoR

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it may suprise you but she's not seeking you out cause she wants to sleep with you. she's seeking you out because you're the galaxies best hope. SOR if you'd listen to what was said would have clued you into WHY too.


it's nothing lana says but rather something satele shan says. "you've managed to get the republic and imperial troops working together, something we'd not be able to do. credit where it's due" or something along those lines. The Republic and Empire attempted to fight Zakuul by themselves and got WRECKED, the ONLY chance is to build and alliance willing to put the good of the galaxy above the petty conflict. and THAT is what the Outlander, and the Outlander ALONE can do

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I get that she thinks I'm the galaxy's greatest hope. It the dialogue where she basically acts like we had something going, when I treated her like trash. They say "choices matter" but I picked Theron over Lana EVERY time, and she still comes across like a lovesick schoolgirl.
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"It's good to see you" does not mean she is flirting with you.


the line comes out as one of those akward, meeting someone after a prolonged time when you got to know them well but you parted on weird terms sort of a "......**** should I say something? what should I say..." "so.. uhh it's nice to see you again!"

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I also wish Theron had been the one to wake you up if you were republic (or romanced him) OP but if nothing else, I wish Lana had treated us differently based on our relationship with her. I also had characters that insulted and distrusted her at every turn and sabotaged the empire every chance they got during SoR and yet she still treated them like an old friend. At least have some kind of hidden approval and have her act coldly towards such a person.
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