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Bug - Acid Trap in Queshball


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After dying normally in an Acid Trap in Quesh Huttball, I found that the 2.8 "improvements in response time" for Lightning Sludge had returned to post 4.0.


To clarify, I was able to respawn after dying in one of the Acid Traps. No problem there. But then, I found myself dying approximately 10 seconds later - in the same respawn area. Sometimes I was able to leave the respawn area, and make my way to the centre of the middle platform to heal my team-mates -- only to find the Lightning Sludge mysteriously turning on and wiping me out. Sometimes, I was able to make my way down to the Ball, grab it and then I found that the Sludge got me. Eventually, I was not even able to leave the respawning point before dying of the Acid.


Please do a patch soon where you start doing a major bug sweep. The game needs it. Between this, and the invisible bridges in Voidstar, the gameplay is getting funny - not as in funny = "ha ha", but "funny" = "damned strange and annoying".

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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I read the title as "Acid Trip" and was very confused when reading the rest of the post lol.


But yeah this needs to be fixed.


Thanks for the heads-up. Fixed the text a bit to make it clearer. (I guess one should never write things in the heat of frustration. ;) )

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